Quails stopped laying


In the Brooder
Aug 3, 2020
So 5 days ago I got 3 45-day old female quails from a quail egg farm. The move is an upgrade - from an overcrowded cage, to a spacious on the ground space, with dust bath included. The first couple of days I got a couple of eegs daily, then just one, and the last couple of days I got zero. They are getting mostly the same feed (plus some splashes of quinoa or eggshells).

I have heard that moving has can cause this, but for how long? I can see that they are scared everytime I change their feed and water (daily, they poop a lot in it) and their dustbath (interdaily).

Am I contributing to the stress when I do this? I cannot stop feeding them to not frighten them. Also, I was thinking in moving the coop on the yard for new grass, but now I am afraid it will add more stress and reset the egg laying.

Any thoughts or recs? Thanks!
Same thing happened to me when I brought home some new hens! I was told they were great layers but I didn't have any eggs after the first two days or so. For us, it took a week until we started getting eggs everyday.
Thanks everyone for the reassuring messages. Here reporting from day 4 without eggs, we´ll see how long this goes.

A couple of days after their arrival, also based on some feedback received here, I doubled their space. And in the new area there was a lavender bush, that they just happen to love to sit underneath - I guess they feel protected as if they were in nature. Everytime I approach to get them their food/water, they run below the lavender and they must think they are invisible. Fun to watch! Hope it also helps them feel safe back more quickly.
So just to update, got 2 solid eggs today! It was day 11 since the last hard eggs (there was a single soft shell egg on day 6). Hopefully will start to see some continuation tomorrow, and that this means that my stream of eggs has started!
it can take 1-2 weeks after any move/stress for laying to recommence

Should I wait for them fo recommence to move around the coop? Should I try to make water/feed/dustbath visits less often, or do those not matter?
So 5 days ago I got 3 45-day old female quails from a quail egg farm. The move is an upgrade - from an overcrowded cage, to a spacious on the ground space, with dust bath included. The first couple of days I got a couple of eegs daily, then just one, and the last couple of days I got zero. They are getting mostly the same feed (plus some splashes of quinoa or eggshells).

I have heard that moving has can cause this, but for how long? I can see that they are scared everytime I change their feed and water (daily, they poop a lot in it) and their dustbath (interdaily).

Am I contributing to the stress when I do this? I cannot stop feeding them to not frighten them. Also, I was thinking in moving the coop on the yard for new grass, but now I am afraid it will add more stress and reset the egg laying.

Any thoughts or recs? Thanks!
The Quail will be ok when they are done being stressed
The Quail will be ok when they are done being stressed

And they were! This would be the day by day egg production after their arrival at age 6w aprox:

(for 3 hens)
Day 0 (arrival): 2 eggs
Day 1: 2
Day 2: 1
Day 3-7: 0
Day 8: 1 soft shell egg
Day 9-12: 0
Day 13: 2 eggs!
Day 14-22 (yesterday): 1.8 eggs in average (between 1 and 3 eggs per day, not less than 2 for almost a 5-6 days now)

Hope this helps shed some light on how this works for those in the fight out there. There is light at the end of the tunnel!

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