Quails upper beak deforming, looks like it might split in half? (started off as a bloody nose)


5 Years
Mar 22, 2016

I don't know if this will help, but when the quail were between 1-2 weeks old we did get a few quail who started to get bloody noses, we realized it was because they were so excited to see us that they were scraping their noses on the mesh wire, we put some plastic in front of it, and that fixed the problem.

But then like 6 days ago or so, this one guy started getting his bloody nose back. (so started giving him polyvisol everyday)
I started noticing it did seem like it was building up in his nostrils, but I was told I might make things worse if I tried to pick off the blood. (I'm not sure if I'd have any luck picking it off anyways with how small he is.)
Guess we were just kind of hoping it'd somehow fix itself somehow.

But today, I don't know how I didn't notice it before, but now his beaks starting to indent, and looks like he's having a harder time breathing than before. (I took pictures of one of his buddies at the end to show the difference in their beaks for a quick comparrison.)

Does anyone have any suggestions on what we can do to possibly help him?
He doesn't seem to get picked on, I walk by their cage several times a day, and will spend a few minutes with them every so often throughout.
(there's 4 Snow flakes, 6 California Quail, and 1 Blue Scaled, and him, he's a California too. If that makes any difference. They're under a red heat lamp too.)
I guess no one has seen this type of condition before?

I have some videos I took of him:

Since yesterday he started having some clear eye discharge.
I gave him a drop of VetRx yesterday, but Idk if it's going to do much of anything.
We've also been putting Oxine in their water since a few days ago.

For the most part he acts normal, but had been going through longer periods of time where he's less mobile than he should be.

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