QuailShaQ 101.1

Got a bunch of eggs in ice box, so I decided to make an omelet for lunch.
I call it 13 egg omelet. Used 2 hen eggs and 11 quail eggs. If you count yolks you will see 14 total. One of the quail eggs was double yolk.
Well looks like no pictures yet.
Big Jim

glad you made it, and I hope I have not mis-characterized ya. make some quick posts, we like pics here, I appreciate hanging with ya'll down there, you, dave, sam and now jack! we need daily updates of QuailshaQ South and Jack.


glad you made it and thanks for contributing- good stuff, was missin ya, how is the polar bear? nice weather in the carolinas? we have a salty dog saloon down here on univ ave, as I remember it from my mixologist days, a salty dog was vodka, grapefruit, with salt?

now, anyone ever been to DC in the 80's? and tuned into DC 101.1 Rock? djs atom smasher, greaseman? oh boy, good stuff...traveling the beltway with the greaseman.
didnt think I forgot about these little guys did ya?

only 3 MDKs so far (Murder, Death, Kills). and was the early days and some chicks that were not thriving.

now, the biggest are the "Sumos"- JJs bobwhites, I kept 12 of the largest eggs and hatched them, got 10- gave rest away and set some in other incubators- bad luck with some, but here ya go- the biggest,


the best flyers are definitley the reds, already jumping brooder walls..


and of course, I like the whites, not the biggest, but not as flighty so far either as the reds


they all whistle/call as cool as Clint Eastwood.

Not to be outdone when a camera is around, the 7 coturnix del blanco hens I have are kicking up production, I am happy with their contributions around here.

Today's trade offerings for food...


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