QuailShaQ 101.1


c. giganticus
9 Years
Sep 10, 2010
I'm conceptualizing 101 Quail on 2+ Acres.

I know about the stickies, and the quail pen thread, and have seen the Quail/Droid wars (some below),

Quail 100 https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=102281

Quail Books https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=331466

Quail Breeders Directory https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=460102

Quail Feed https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=486090

Quail Pens https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=280575

Quail Processing- Graphic Pics https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=147712&p=1

Quail (Beer) Sexing https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6263982

Quail Egg Shipping https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=563667

Bird Anatomy Illustrations:

that being said;

Serious advice will only be considered if it comes with a "bit of wit", i.e., this could be your place to help with my automatic "catfood/dogfood" dispensers, "multi-species" dwellings, and "free-range" theories.
You have "Moby Quail"? enquiring minds want to know.

If you think misting the birds 24/7 with ACV makes them more tender, I'm not chicken!
If you think letting them eat corn bread stuffing for a last meal, means you don't have to gut them before cooking, I'm not chicken!
If you think crossing a quail with an ameraucana or an americana will get you green speckled platypus eggs, I'm not chicken!
If you think there should be more organization to the Quail bloodlines and pedigrees, I'm not chicken!

Rules of QuailShaQ 101
1. We do not talk about Quail as if they are a smaller version of something else.
2. We do not talk about QuailShaQ.
3. You can bring the heat here. (in as much as allowed by Mods)
4. All fingers and mouths are pointed down-range, but automatic fire is allowed.
5. Mr. Johnny Cash's music is played here, Hank sometimes opens for him.
6. We do not pander on QuailShaQ

edited- to add more links and rules and thread name change...
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I will be feeding them 99% by volume, FRM GBS, Flint River Mills Game Bird Starter.
GBS is strongly recommended, I have read countless threads.
FRM is what I can find in my area.
They will all get a little "wild turkey" before freezer camp.
Mine gets a 4 week treatment of game bird starter followed by a 2 weeks of game bird conditioner for freezer material or fed game bird layer after the 4 weeks of game bird starter if they are replacement stock. <---- coturnix quail.. bobs get the GBS for 8 weeks.

I also have my own mix that a local feed mill will make when I'm in full swing and can use 1000 lbs+ in 2-3 weeks.. I can't remember the exact mix, but can get it if anyone needs it.. Just a note, This is not a mix that will save you a buck on 50 lbs, it's a good mix thats a little higher than game bird feed.. but I gain a weeks worth of growing at 7 weeks of age, this in turn saves time and money as you get better growth on the same amount of money!

I am thinking 4 pens of birds- 3x8x1 or 4x8x1 about 4 feet off the ground, 20 feet apart, shaded by live oak trees.
I will use 2x4 construction and half inch hardware cloth. I will roof the pen with metal or corrugated fiber roofing.
The birds will be about 2-3 weeks apart in age and at the recommended 1 sq. ft/ per bird, I can house ~25 per pen.
obviously, the pens will be "double-wide".
Sounds like a workable plan. Do you hope to go into full blown bird farming, stocking the freezer or just cuz? I like quail and my numbers are just under 100 for no other reason than "just cuz"....
starting small, simple and with quality stock. 50 birds to start, splitting them up with a friend, we will keep some of the the best to breed and see what happens. the rest are going into his smoker when processed.
no bird farm, just hobby farm for smoker and eggs. majored in physiology and nutrition, I like the idea of controlled diets for the birds and me, etc.
and yup, just cuz, got no kids, lotsa time, and need something outside the office to keep my simple mind occupied.

I built the farm for the chickens at my friends nursery (pics on my byc page), now my moms acreage is starting to look very quailicious...and it is a blank slate.
starting small, simple and with quality stock. 50 birds to start, splitting them up with a friend, we will keep some of the the best to breed and see what happens. the rest are going into his smoker when processed.
no bird farm, just hobby farm for smoker and eggs. majored in physiology and nutrition, I like the idea of controlled diets for the birds and me, etc.
and yup, just cuz, got no kids, lotsa time, and need something outside the office to keep my simple mind occupied.

I built the farm for the chickens at my friends nursery (pics on my byc page), now my moms acreage is starting to look very quailicious...and it is a blank slate.

when I was a kid, I worked in a pet store. we had a contract with a reptile vendor to supply them with mice.

I was about 14, I eventually had over 50- ten gallon tanks with 7-8 mice in each one, water bottle, feed and top.
I was amazed that I could start with all white lab mice and 2-3 generations later end up with the craziest colors.
At that time, I was breeding for whatever I wanted- being 14, one week it was silver color, then the next time it was all black..
I may have been line breeding or in breeding, didnt know what it was called then. long time ago...

starting small, simple and with quality stock. 50 birds to start, splitting them up with a friend, we will keep some of the the best to breed and see what happens. the rest are going into his smoker when processed.
no bird farm, just hobby farm for smoker and eggs. majored in physiology and nutrition, I like the idea of controlled diets for the birds and me, etc.
and yup, just cuz, got no kids, lotsa time, and need something outside the office to keep my simple mind occupied.

I built the farm for the chickens at my friends nursery (pics on my byc page), now my moms acreage is starting to look very quailicious...and it is a blank slate.

Sounds like my kinda deal, no real plan. I'm gonna send in the breeder permit soon, but dont really figure on sell'in much. There again just cuz...

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