QuailShaQ 101.1

waiting on the labcoat experiment. quail eggs shipped from kansas on 6/27 arrived 6/29 and set in the incubator, no turning for 36-48 hours.

The flight distance from Kansas (KS) to Florida (FL) is:
1,140 miles / 1,834 km


The heat was over 100 degrees.

...and JJs avatar was perfect to be put on a map near the carribean...
Thats a cool as hell graphic TD, But Dude, you got too much time on your hands !!!

I just heard from Tonya. Her hatch rate seems like its gonna be low... all but 2 fertile, good temps and humidity, just zip and quit at the end. Hers were shipped in a little cooler weather than yours and got there a day quicker... Hope you have better luck! I got over 7 dozen in the bator now. I guess we'll see. Bill
lol, like 5 minutes...thats why they pay me the lil bucks... btw, I did it left-handed, drill sargent said if you were right handed, to use your left hand, would feel like someone else was doing it...
I admit it. I saw Pink Floyd when they played at Clemson University on May 12, 1994. It was on the top of my bucket list at the time.

Gonna start the "Great Pen Expansion" in a few minutes. Making some dual purpose raised pens for either quail or rabbits. When it's all said and done I'll have 7 more livestock penthouses.

Wow, 1/2 x 1/2 wire is getting expensive. Ordering it online through Ace Hardware for store pickup was the cheapest I could find.

Get your toe tapping shoes on:


I will certainly share the DJ booth with ya bud...good stuff, and can't wait for the pics of your QUAIL expansion project.

hope this helps ya pound those nails, and yes, HW cloth is $$$

little more contemporary,

but I love the knit cap, the beard. love fiddlin around and ya know...

I like my chicken fried-
Never heard of Zac Brown - Like him.

I'm using treated lumber and stainless screws because the copper treatment will corrode everything. My drill is getting weak so I'm having to drill pilot holes. This is going to take a while. At least it's cooler today.

Oldie Goldies

Roger Miller

Statler Brothers

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