QuailShaQ 101.1

funny, those scarletts you are holding got the prettiest "colored" feathers "I've" seen on a coturnix, imho. ya know I prefer the whites, can I call them blondes or is that taken, so I can say I really prefer blondes? but seriously, really like the "reds", red ranges, scarletts, rosettas, etc... we really need a quailectivelly quailtrived quaillopedia of colors with pics on the byc quail forum
, granted, we have some that people worked hard at, we need to revisit those and I know most have nice external websites too and granted thats smart and savvy but maybe all the breeders should post pics of their birds/colors in the breeders directory, imho... can't we start a SOP for coturnix quail and call them the amerauquaila? or ameriquaila? wth? Alex, I will hit you up on what it is you are putting together, I am interested in helping to expand the knowledgebase.
I got some friends that have been into this for years. I have never had what it takes to go under water and stick body parts into holes unknown.... Dont know if its brave or just dumb... either way Ya gotta give'm
how the sam heck did brother Hilly get to Oklahoma, I wondered why he was not answering his phone...


apparently MilleB was right, thats why he is an Executive...

brother Hilly is on the Quest...

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