Quality of Silkies from McMurray or other Hatcheries?


15 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Sunny Southern Arizona
Don't know if this is the right place for this topic, but I have been searching for some mid-high quality buff silkies. We tried getting eggs, and they all ended up duds, so I thought about going to a hatchery. But I want some with a decent amount of fluff. I also am looking for some light brown dutch, and saw ideal had some but wondering on their quality.

If anyone has pictures or experience, please share!
I've ordered buff & white silkies from MM & Ideal and they were pet quality that were no big deal. They did not have much of a top knot & bodies were long & lanky. With all the money I spent I should have just got 1-2 breeder quality silkies from a reliable breeder
Wow I'm glad I didn't buy the buffs, I really want some nice top knots and those don't really have them. Good chicks, but not what I was looking for.
Hachery Silkies, as a common fact, have very small crests and aren't great quality. Ours are toughies and wonderful pets, but nothing greater than hatchery stock. Here are some pics.



Both are almost two years old and from McMurray. If you want nicer Silkies go with breeder's stock. You won't get too much in the way of good-looking fowl from a hatchery.

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