Quarantine, how long, what signs to look for.


Apr 25, 2015
We have just purchased a silkie to help incubate our polish eggs. We have her sepetated from the polish, but she is all on her own. How long should she stay in quarantine and what signs of illness should I be looking for?
Also when I so introduce her to the polish, do I do it through a fence and then put her in the roost at night?
Thanks for your help.
Hi, and welcome to BYC. I would probably keep her separate for between 1 or 2 weeks. Look for any sneezing or coughing any signs of sluggishness or anything out of the ordinary. I would then put her next to their run for a couple days and then put her in at night would probably be best. Adding 1 chicken into a flock is always a little tough on the poor single hen as she will be chased around.
I think that I might add one of your originals to her, in her quarantine space. They can work out a pecking order, and then introduce the pair to your flock. A single bird is a stranger to everyone, and all can give her a peck, a pretty hard introduction. A friend spreads out the pecking.

And if you mix her with one of yours, and your bird gets sick, you don't want to add her to the flock. And if she doesn't get sick, you can assume the others won't either.

Mrs K
Thanks they are great tips.
Would I put the dominant hen in with her, or midnight the girl at the bottom of the pecking order? Or the rooster?
I put her with scratchy our middle order hen in a big open yard. It was not good. If I got another silkie would the two silkies get along okay? Or would Hattie then give it to the new silkie? Should I just try with scratchy again?

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