quarantining chicks (mail/feed store)?


11 Years
Jul 21, 2008
Nor Cal
Hi all --
I know you're supposed to quarantine birds if you get older laying hens from a neighborhood breeder... so they don't infect the flock you've raised from day-old chicks. But can I safely introduce a few chicks (the local feed store has Light Brahmas right now!) to my existing week-old babies without worrying about diseases? I think the feed store's chicks are about the same age as my babies since they've had them for a few days, so size-wise they'd be ok.
Thanks for any help!
Wow, I really don't have na answer for that, but i'll give you a bump, and maybe someone else can help. IMO, I would say since they are babies, and they more than likely have not been around grown chickens, or been able to get in the dirt, that it would be fine, but like i said, i'm not sure.
Good question. I'd probably keep them out for at least a week just in case, but I'd think at that age that you wouldn't have a problem.

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