Quechua Thread

He has the rumpless tufted ones with the lethal genes that I had never even heard of until a few years back. I want the birds that the hatcheries called Araucana before the standard was written.

Is that with tails or without? If without you need to look to the Colloncas. They are tailless and have no ear tufts which is what the lethal gene involves. They don't always lay all blue though. If you are talking about tailed Auracans, then you may look for the British Aracana that has just this year shown up on EBay under the hatching eggs. They are crested however and that may not be what you want either.
I think that is it! I had no idea that there were two types of Aracuanas. This sounds like the chickens I had so now I have to find some. I may be finding a new home for this Quechua rooster sooner than I expected if I don't have to make my own chickens with him. I assume there are flocks of these in the United States so I can find some since they were prevalent years ago. I hope someone near me has some to spare.
Is that with tails or without? If without you need to look to the Colloncas. They are tailless and have no ear tufts which is what the lethal gene involves. They don't always lay all blue though. If you are talking about tailed Auracans, then you may look for the British Aracana that has just this year shown up on EBay under the hatching eggs. They are crested however and that may not be what you want either.

Oh, wait! They should have muffs and beards but not crests. Their ear lobes are not visible and they have no wattles. I did not see crested birds on the websites I just visited unless they are not very noticeable. I need to study further but I seem to be closer at least.

I absolutely do not trust buying eggs on eBay with the number of stolen pictures that are used in bird related auctions and the rough handling by the post office. I would want to see them for myself to be sure. I grew up in Colorado so that is where I used to get them.
Maybe it is the Sweet Potato Quechua that is most like what I used to have since it seems to be close to the Ameraucana breed but also lays green and not just blue eggs. I am not sure if that is what my rooster is since I bought him as a Quechua with no other descriptors other than that he pre-dated the Ameraucanas and Aracaunas. I so wish I had not sold off my flock 10 years ago.
Is that with tails or without? If without you need to look to the Colloncas. They are tailless and have no ear tufts which is what the lethal gene involves. They don't always lay all blue though. If you are talking about tailed Auracans, then you may look for the British Aracana that has just this year shown up on EBay under the hatching eggs. They are crested however and that may not be what you want either.
I purchased some hatching eggs from ebay last year, that were listed as lavender Araucanas and in the pics were lavender British Tailed Araucanas!! Which I was pretty sure were not in the U.S., but wanted to take a chance!

The eggs arrived and after incubating three hatched! Straight combed Easter Eggers all different colors.

I also saw the add on ebay this year (by a different seller than my scammer). The same ones were also on Craig's list, and I questioned the person on both adds, and they are not true BTAs.
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The scammers probably hope nothing hatches so they don't get caught selling misrepresented eggs. I had never seen straight combs on Easter Eggers until lately. People think they are any bird that has the genetic potential to lay colored eggs without regard to what the birds should look like.
I put a couple of Easter Egger (hatchery Ameraucana) hens under my Quechua rooster and we got our first hatch. I am hoping they will be like the Easter Eggers we used to get from the hatcheries back in the '80s. I am also hoping most are pullets but I know we can't keep them all.

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