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Funny how people keep saying things like this but then they come back to argue more.

That is exactly what I was thinking....


Couldn't have said it better myself!

I wish everyone who just had to breed their dog or just had to let their cat have kittens one time, would go to a shelter and see all of the animals who are put down every day.

Same goes for horses, all of the backyard breeders who just breed their mare because they have one. Those foals often end up in slaughterhouses.

I guess I find it all very selfish, seems that people care more about what they want rather than the lives of the animals they have and the babies they produce.
Ohhh I know, we prefer to breed our own dogs, and find them great homes, but we're not completely selfish and we don't agree with just leaving other dogs to die. I think what people are neglecting to notice is that we do take in A LOT of litters that have been thrown away, a lot of happy accidents that would otherwise be euthanized, or left for predators. We're also not one of those breeders who are irresponsible, and flood the market... no bumper crop litters, only one litter a year, usually one every two years. As for cats, I don't believe in breeding cats at all, being a barn girl and a horse back rider I've seen FAR too many barn cats and kittens, many die from being stepped on by horses, or just die in the barn. My cat, Accio, we rescued from a hobby farm, his mother had abandonned him and he was only 3 weeks old when we brought him home... though, turns out he's completely MENTAL, his Feral mother had fun with a Bengal dad from a cattery down the road.

I'm not knocking purebreds, all I'm saying is that there is this elitest purebred "club," and I don't believe that your dog has to be purebred for it to be a great dog, even though I own purebreds as well as mixed breeds. And as for a hypoallergenic dog, I have two poodles...but I DON'T LIKE POODLES, they're my mums dogs and I HATE them, they're flighty and annoying, and hard to train. I REALLY do wish I could have a Lab again, but I CAN'T... so the next best thing was to get Nacho, our Labradoodle, because he's non-shedding, and hypoallergenic, but still has that Lab attitude, and fun loving behaviour.

I'll be taking more photos of the doodle babies in about a week or so, when they don't look so much like little mice haha.

... Ps, by people who have brains, I meant... people who have brains enough to understand, and see, and respect rather than nit-pick, and get their backs up. I respect your opinion on breeding a larger male to a smaller female, but the truth is.. we consulted a vet, we got the greenlight, they're all fine.. not to mention, I've only ever see issues with C-sections in the tiny breeds, Quesa is NOWHERE near tiny, she weighs 5lbs but she's quite a hefty Toy poodle, leaning on being a Mini.
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