Question about building duck pen and including part of pond


8 Years
Mar 16, 2011
Trying to plan out our long term pen for our coming Welsh Harlequins that are arriving next week. I have not seen anyone else do it on here, but I had a pen idea that intrigued me, so I wanted to see what y'all think about what problems it might entail

We live in the country on 3 acres, but surrounded directly by neighbors. We have a small pond (1/4-1/2 acre maybe?) in the back yard. I was thinking of building a small open pen (10x15, maybe bigger) at the edge of the pond using 4' or 5' dog wire and landscape timber posts with a covered "house" for roosting and perhaps for the ducks to be shut in at night to protect from cats and dogs and any other more natural predators. Where it goes wonky is I was contemplating extending the pen out into the pond using T-posts driven deep into the bottom with the wire several inches under the water level (or to the bottom?) so that the ducks can effectively go in and out of the pond (shallow entry) as they wish, but are not actually free range. The pond has little vegetation aside from grasses along the edge, but seems very healthy with a lot of bream, a grass carp, and supposedly some bass and catfish-- but they are harder to "document" until I get some better fishing gear this spring.

So, what do you think? Is there any reason the small portion of the pond would not be good for them to swim in? How big a section would likely be needed? Would they still need hose water for drinking? Other problems or reasons not to go with this idea?

Reading through the forums has me pretty concerned about their water quality, as I wouldn't mind them having a plastic kiddie pool, but not really too excited about dumping and refilling so often. It's enough headache to keep the dogs and miniature horse watered, much less the added bill of flower beds and garden during the summer, so I'd LOVE to not have to add another pretty substantial water usage. Plus, why let a perfectly good pond go to waste?
Let me know what you think. Thanks.

R/T (Thomas)
You would just have to be very careful what wire you used in the pond. It may rust- but also could act much like a net- and trap the ducks underwater if they get any body part tangled in it. Ducks will dive fairly deep when the pond size allows it- so making sure it was very safe would be very important in the design for you .
Yeah, I'd be concerned about them somehow getting stuck in the underwater fencing.

As for water... I have a small pool next to my veggie garden. Ducks hop in, poop, play, poop, splash, poop and poop some more. I grab a bucket and use that water to water the veggies. Rinse the pool once I've emptied it into the garden, refill it and repeat. Free fertilizer for my plants

I have to water the veggies anyway, so I have an excuse for an extra pool for the ducks LOL
"As for water... I have a small pool next to my veggie garden. Ducks hop in, poop, play, poop, splash, poop and poop some more. I grab a bucket and use that water to water the veggies. Rinse the pool once I've emptied it into the garden, refill it and repeat. Free fertilizer for my plants smile

I have to water the veggies anyway, so I have an excuse for an extra pool for the ducks LOL"

hI, WE ARE NEW TO DUCKS TOO. Is it OK to use fresh duck poop on your veggies? we always compost the chicken poop before adding to soil we raise veggies in.
It may rust- but also could act much like a net- and trap the ducks underwater if they get any body part tangled in it.

Would it be likely for ducks to be caught in 2x4 wire? I would think the gap would be big enough that they shouldn't really be able to get anything stuck?​
Well the budget (and aesthetics) certainly won't allow fencing the whole pond. I think it would be hard to find a solid sheet of metal that would be big enough, not rust in water, and be cost effective.
I went to home depot years ago and bought a tub for mixing concrete. Has made it through several winters. In the winter I put a tank heater in it and move it outside the pen because I have to haul my water in by hand ( the hose freezes) and I try to keep it clean. They can drink through the fence, but they can't climb in. Once it thaws out, I move it back inside the pen and change the water daily. On hot days I just let it overflow and drain away, but it keeps my ducks cool and happy. Note: Most of their " mating" seems to be in the water. You can see the tub outside the fence in the winter 2010 picture below. It was a warm winter day so I just filled up a hole I dug in the snow. Edited for the duck poop question : No, let it sit in your compost pile. The fresh poop will kill your plants

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I thought of this idea too and wondered if anyone else has done it and how well
it worked out for them.
I have a good size pond and would like the ducks to be housed safely and comfortably with access to the pond.
I also like the idea of not having to close them up every night and them being in a very safe and
secure duck coop off or in the water.
I am hoping the original author of this thread will share her experience or anyone else who may have tried it?
Many Thanks,
I have wondered about extending the wire into the pond and providing a ramp for the ducks to enter from above the waters surface. The fence would merely extend into part of the pool. Would want to keep turtles and snakes out

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