Question about Cackle


11 Years
May 30, 2008
Cheboygan, MI
Good morning!! I am so excited because I finally get to order my chicks today...YAY!!!! I was originally going to order from McMurray, but in order to get all the ones I want, I'd have to wait until May 23rd. I couldn't do it! So, they have all the breeds we're looking for on Cackle, but it does not give me a date until after I confirm an order. I don't want to confirm if I'm going to have to wait until the end of May from them, too. In that case, I would go to MPC or Healthychicksandmore, which is more expensive. Is there a way to get the ship date before confirming an order on Cackle? Thank you!
hi i ordered from cackle on febuary 27th and i picked march30th for a ship date. they confirmed my order and sent me a shipping date of april1st. i know what your saying about commiting before you know when there gonna be shipped. my guess would be the earlier you order the sooner you will get them. i accuatley picked end of march early april because of the weather here in maine cold.hopefully warmer in a few weeks. yes its hard to wait for the chickies. im getting 15 cinnamon queens, 10 white wyandotte ,5 delaware,1 delaware cockrel, i split a order with my brother.
You can try calling Cackle, but expect a lot of busy signals. They are knowledgeable when you can get through, but they must be understaffed on answering the phone or don't have enough lines. My experience is from about a month back and I've seen comments at other forums about this. Maybe others have had better luck with them answering the phone?

When I ordered from Cackle, I put in the shipment date I wanted. It was a couple of months out as I wanted to be sure of getting what I wanted and I wanted them to ship on a Monday and not near a postal holiday.

Good luck.

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