Question about Fowl Pox


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 6, 2010
I just noticed today a few of my hens have Fowl Pox. The lesions are scabbed up already. Only a quarter of my flock are affected. I don't have a quarantine area to separate them. Should I get a vaccine for the entire flock? Should I go ahead and start everyone on antibiotics?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

I don't know about the vaccine personally, but antibiotics won't help. It is a virus caused by mosquitos. There is a wet and a dry version of pox. The wet ones that get in their mouths are the ones you have to watch out for. They can inhibit the bird from eating and drinking. There's not a lot you can do but wait for them to dry up. Don't be surprised if the entire flock ends up getting them. Once they have had the pox they will be immune and not get them again.
MandyH is absolutely correct. The scabs will dry up and fall off onto the ground and are highly infectious. Iodine will help dry the scabs quicker. Direct contact with wild birds also spreads the fowl pox virus. Antibiotics could be used if there's a secondary a scab forms near/around the eyes and the chicken scratches the eye and it gets infected. In that case triple antibiotic or neosporin could be used. Time will heal with dry fowl pox. Since you cant seperate your chickens, I wouldnt vaccinate.
Thank you very much for the fast replies! Can we contract the virus? My husband and I have already had the chicken pox but we have children that usually come to the coop that have not had it or have been vaccinated for it.


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