Question about interior paints?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I would like to repaint our kitchen. The majority of the kitchen cabinets were replaced by my DH's mom about 10 years ago. At that time she refused to let one set of cabinets, over the bar, be replaced because they were built by hand by her late husband.
If I repaint the kitchen, these handmade cabinets would definitely be part of the paint job. Problem is, they are all high over my head (short woman in a house built by and for 6 footers
), are part of a load bearing wall, so can't be taken down easily and are varnished. The varnish was put on back in the early 70s when the house was built and they haven't been redone since. I would wear my arms out trying to sand the varnish off with the cabinets in place.

My questions is, can I use a paint that has a primer mixed in - like Kilz paint to cover over the varnish or prime first then paint, or would they absolutely have to be sanded down first?
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Kat- if the varnish is in good shape they just need to be scuffed with fine grit sandpaper. (Get a ladder and tie off to the chandelier
) ETA, Please have DH take pics.....

Then prime them with oil based primer, such as Kilz, then you can use any kind of topcoat you want, latex or oil.

All straight from the horse's mouth, except fot the crack about tieing off......
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No need to tie off to the chandelier for chuckles. Just little ol' me on a stepladder, with a right leg that does its own thing - like dangle uselessly or stick straight out suddenly - is enough to make one bust a gut.
Find him? Did you lose him AGAIN?

It's Sunday. He is in the shop/garage watching football on 2 channels and Nascar on one channel! LOL, garage is huge, has cable TV, refrigerator and a 1/2 bath.

So yes, he is lost again!
Find him? Did you lose him AGAIN?

It's Sunday. He is in the shop/garage watching football on 2 channels and Nascar on one channel! LOL, garage is huge, has cable TV, refrigerator and a 1/2 bath.

So yes, he is lost again!

Oh how I wish I could lose my DH for a day or two (remember we are now into his 7th month of being home on workmans comp), but alas, his new outbuilding has taken a backseat to getting the juvenile coop all done up nice for the babies. Once we do get his building all furnished like he wants it, I doubt he'll be in the house under my feet much.

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