Question about Light Brahma Chickens


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Hi, I'm new here. I have a question about Light Brahma chickens. At what age do they start to lay? I have three and they are about 5 months old. Also, when do Seramas start to lay? Thanks very much.
They should start laying anytime between now and a month from now. They are one of the slower ones to start. The have the best personalities though, very gentle.
Yes, ours started laying about 23-24 weeks. Very friendly birds and the first to come running looking for a treat when i come out of the house!
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My three Light Brahmas began laying right at five months. But beware, they're prone to broodiness. One of mine refused to get off an empty nest for over a month, and I had to feed her chicken soup to keep her from starving. Also, when they decide to molt, they molt HARD. But mine have been lap hens from chickhood.

My girls lay light flesh colored eggs.
And I have a flock of 13 LF brahma hens and a roo and not a broody in the bunch.
My darks were late layers, 7 to 9 1/2 months range, but they are much closer to the breed standard than most hatchery brahmas.

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