Question about lockdown in a 1602 Hova-Bator


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 29, 2012
I have 11 eggs in this type of incubator. Never hatched eggs before. On the instruction sheet it says to fill the center trough for setting and both troughs for hatching. I have been filling the center trough only. Tonight is my lockdown night. When I went to fill troughs with water it looks like there are three troughs. A center one, then one around that one and the one on the outer edge. Do I fill all three? Should I have filled the very center one and the middle one for setting? Confused.
Are you monitoring your humidity with a hygrometer? The percentage of humidity should be 65% for lockdown. I have a Hovabator and I can achieve that with much less water.
Oh and days 1-18 - humidity should be 40-45%

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