Question about new flock and when/if to introduce a rooster?


9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Cripple Creek, Virginia
I just placed my order with our local feed store (southern states) for our first flock. We ordered... 2 Easter Eggers, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 2 Light Brahmas and 2 Buff Orpingtons. My question is, we would like to eventually have a rooster, will it be a problem to introduce one when the flock is older, or should we go ahead and get one now and raise it with the others?
I have done both, Raised them with the flock and put them in later. My experiance if you put them in later after they are grown some of the hen will reject them. However if the rooster is mature he will take care of them and protect them. I put Rhode Island Rooster in with my grown mix and they seem to be doing well. But he is the only Rooster in the that flock of hens. If you raise them with the hens they will be used to him by the time they are mature and won't be tramatized by introducing a new chicken in the bunch.
Thanks for the advice. I worried about the rooster being too aggressive with the baby hens as they grew up, but didn't want the hens to reject him later on. On a side note, with the breeds I have ordered do you have a recommendation as to which breed rooster I should get?
I like the Rhode Island Red rooster or the Black Australorp both are good solid stock none of my roosters have been aggresive toward me, they do get a little excited when I mess with the hens but they have never attack me
IF these are your first chickens, I reccommend you wait till you know what you like. Not a great market for placing mutts chicks. And having a Roo means you want chicks. I would get a Roo that is one of the breeds you already have. Then raise them up together.
When I bought my first batch of chicks, I did not know how fast I would go from just having chickens to wanting to show chickens. It is an evolution some have. Not all though. I'd wait a bit.
Thanks for the suggestion, I really don't want to sell chickens or show at this point, but this is my first flock and who knows where I'll end up.
I didn't think about it but I could always get eggs for my broody hen couldn't I?

Besides breeding is there any reason to have a rooster?
IF you get a Roo you'll have chickies someday. Maybe whether you want them or not. My neighbor took in some of mine. But, she wanted a variety, and still wanted a boy or two cause their pretty. Well, she has some mixed up buff lookin birds now. Nothing worng with that either. Their cute.
You asked if there was any reason to have a roo if you don't want chicks.

If you free range, there is definitely. My rir, Rocky, is still maturing, but he is so good about warning the girls of danger and getting them under cover when there is a hawk or something around. It's a big load off to know that he is protecting my girls.

I raised Rocky with my girls - he was about 3 weeks older than them. And i'm happy that i did. Right now, he's my only rooster. The only part i don't like about that is that i want to breed pure breeds that aren't rir. So now i'm getting a full grown rooster. We'll see how that goes.

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