Question about Polish (adds pic)


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Church Hill, TN
I have 3 Polish juvies. The one I have a question about is Buff colored. He/she has a featherdo like a hen, but huge wattles like a roo. I'm really confused here. I don't have a picture because when I went down to the juvie crib, I left my camara at the house.

He/she is about 7 weeks old. I'll get a picture in a little while. It's 95degrees right now and I'm enjoying the air conditioning!

This is the best pic that I could get of the litte booger because he/she was running screaming like a banshee away from me!!
Ummm I just realized, he/she's not buff, is it?? UGH, I have got to get to know my colors!!!!


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It's probably a cockerel. The buff laced look the same in both sexes until they get older. The wattles are usually an easy way to sex them at that age.
I was afraid of that. So ALL my Polish are males!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Well Polly just became Paulie! LOL

Thanks for your help everyone. Guess I need some pullets.

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