Question about sex of chicks


Brady Brook Poultry
9 Years
May 11, 2010
West Enfield,Maine
Can You tell the sex of a Chick @ 4 weeks old, I have a chance to get some, they are a mix of ri and br, i really do not want any males.
Thanx for looking
It's really hard to tell, but eventually the rooster will stand out with thier pink combs and wattles and you might be able to see that at 4 weeks old.
Sometimes the roosters' combs will get pink around 5 weeks according to my experiences.
And the roos are almost always the friendly ones. There are little signs to telling gender when they are that age but they aren't always right, you know? I've heard that roos feather out slower and have bigger feet. And are the bolder ones out of the bunch.

Good luck.
It's really hard to wait and see.
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First off,

Second, ROFL, your have my avatar when I was a new egg. Small world, right?

At 5 to 8 weeks, their gender should be apparent. My 6 week old Leghorn already has a large comb and wattle, the other 4 don't so I believe I have 4 pullets and a roo.
Thanx so much for repling, I might get some, I dont know I have a bunch of baby ones coming wes. I am soooo excited
Thnx again

Ps, Small world hehe, I am getting 15 barred rocks and 6 silkies wes.
Ask speckledhen about this to be sure, but I believe with barred rocks the males usually have larger white spots on their heads than the females do. Forget about sexing the silkies. You'll just have to hope for the best on them.

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