question about turning eggs and not turning eggs


Certified Cackleberry Consumer
11 Years
Jan 22, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I have a potential access to an incubator at work (old, old model, wooden, no turner) but only Monday through Friday. Would the chicks die if they weren't turned Saturdays and Sundays? During the week I can turn 3 times a day. It is a 1 hr drive each way, and this thing is way too big to borrow. It weighs a ton and is a floor standing model. If it is too risky, forget it. I'll find something else.
Thanks for any advice.
I dont know the answer I am new to all this , but I have a question?
Does any one work on the weekends when youre not there? If say a janitor , or secrtary whatever worked when you wernt there and could follow instructions IE was there hands turn them gently ect, at least 2 times a day for those two days it would probly work . I am shure someone who knows more can answer better good luck
I'm not going to say this won't work, but you will be compromising the hatch rate even before you start.

If the incubator is the right size and shape you might well be able to make a Hovabator Auto-turner fit, problem is then solved.
I have had eggs hatch when they were not turned regular. I did an experiment with some mutt eggs to see if it would make a difference if they were not turned all the time. I turned a couple days and then not a day or so and so forth randomly. They still hatched off at a 55% hatch rate so i'd say you should be ok. Just for the record they were 10 day old eggs too
HMMM, lots to think about. Thanks for all the advice! I wonder if it would be better to build a homemade one for home and then I don't have to worry, unless I could find a second hand turner. Then I still need permission to use the one at work, but no one has used it in probably 20 years, so I don't think anyone would mind me having a go at it.
If it were me, I would have a go at it.. You are not going to be hatching high priced eggs, right? just get some local eggs from a friend, if you do not have any of your own.. I buy all the eggs I want for $3.oo/doz from a local guy.. I have plenty of my own, but I wanted some from his rooster so I bought 30 dozen.. I kept one rooster chick and sold all the rest of the chicks for .75/ea..

If you are going to go through with your plan, set the eggs on Monday.. that way you have 5 days worth of turning in befor letting them rest for the weekend.

Or do like Twigg said and find a hovabator type of turner.. even if you have to buy one.. then you would always have it.. and that would still be cheaper $$$ wise than building a bator.. I have a big old box like you described and I had six hovabator turners set up in it.. it worked just great.. I hatched chicken, guinea, turkey and goose all at the same time..
Well, that's true, they might give it to me, but I don't know where I'd put it, unless my friend with the chickens has space. If she did it would be awesome.
Setting on a Monday otherwise is a good idea. No I wouldn't be buying eggs, they'd be from my friend who is thinking of buying an incubator anyways, but I was thinking if there was some way to use what is here, maybe we can do that. I just want 4 girls to raise for laying hens, but I'm sure I'd have to take my chances and see what we got.
You guys are awesome. Thumbs up!
If you only want 4 pullets, then around this time of year you can usually buy chicks from local stores.

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