Question for free rangers in Michigan

Boy oh boy, did we ever get blasted! Last count we checked was probably around 14" or so
havent seen that much in a long time. Oh well...

So, I picked up some stuff at the grocery store the other day to help them get through being "cooped up" LOL They do love cabbage heads, that is funny and they go nuts for cantelope too.

chickenporkarosa- lucky you only an inch? sheesh! Do you happen to know where the list is on this site that says what goodies they like? I almost think I saw that once but you know I found in the summer when they were free ranging, they really could care a less about most extra food I brought them. Must be they were getting plenty but that sure isnt the case now as they made short order of that big head of cabbage and picked the cantelope till it was dry!

Thanks again everyone
Hi - Western Upper Michigan here - we have 1 to 2 feet of snow and we are currently at minus 3 degrees. My girls have done the same thing - open the door they look out and that is about as far as it goes.

Mine are playing with a suet thing for birds with seed stuck to it. I feed them spinach - shredded cabbage and carrots - fresh potatoe peelings - scratch - corn - old bread - their feed, meal worms, grit in a dish and warm water.... I didn't realize that they would love warm food, so I will start the corn nibblets and oatmeal tomorrow! Mine eat the rabbit mix from Wal-mart too - and alfalfa in a bag...or hay that we have had left over from the goat. So far, I don't think there isn't much that they don't eat.

My girls have just started laying
5 eggs the first week
7 eggs the second week
and 6 eggs (3 a day now) for the last two days...

I only have 5 chickens and all are the black sex links.
I think that mine miss the bugs the most. They go bonkers over meat scraps and and any creepy crawlies in my woodpile. Today we got hit with a heck of a lot of snow so when I opened the door to the coop they only went as far as the woodpile until I shoveled and then they stuck to the path.

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