Question for people who own EEs


9 Years
Sep 21, 2010
Have you ever had a EE baby that is about 2 to 3 month old that has a good size comb that ended up being a girl. I am trying to decide whether to get rid of two of my babies. I think they are boys boys cause the comb looks big. It hasn't turned red though and there isn't the splochy red colors or anything on the wings. So is it possible if they have a big comb that they might still be girls. I don't want to get rid of them if they are girls.

Go to the post Do you think these three little ones are boys or girls under the Breed and Gender section. It is right near the top. There are several pics of all three of my babies.

Have you ever had any big combed chicks turn out to be girls. I was wondering because, I have a Orpington that has a huge comb that is definitely a girl.

It really depends on the breed. Many EE's are mixed breeds and you can get characteristics from either side. Don't get rid of them until you're sure (egg or crow) but all of my "Ameracana" EE pullets from Ideal have had tiny, pale combs up until they reached POL and that was always late (>32 weeks.) It is hard to make generalizations, though, because they can all be so different. Wait a bit, it will be evident sooner or later.......
Yea, I was wondering if they are gonna have large combs because they are Orpington/ Ameraucana. I know sometimes Orpingtons can have large combs. I guess if they start turning red I could be sure they are boys.

My EE pullets all had small combs, once they reached the age that they started to lay some of their combs got larger and some even got a bright red, but at 2-3 months they had very small combs. But as previously stated EE's are a mixed breed anyway so I guess it could be possible that they do develop a comb earlier depending on what they are mixed with...

I would wait it out and see what he/she produces later on a crow or an egg...
If you could post a pic I'm sure someone will be able to help you make an ID on the gender...

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