Question for those more experienced- lockdown


10 Years
Jan 12, 2010
Anderson, CA
If Bantam eggs typically hatch early shouldn't I go into lockdown earlier?

I have had a pretty good hatch rate on my first time, so far 8 out of 10 that I knew were developed, and one more pipping right now. But I candled and locked down on day 18, 5 of them pipped on day 19. So if that is the norm wouldn't that be like candling and locking down on day 20 with large eggs?

My problem with understanding all of this is this: If I can candle and lockdown and hatch the next day with banties, why is it so bad to open the incubator on days 19-21? In essence, isn't that what I just did with my bantie eggs?

Was this just beginner's luck? I am keeping the humidity around 70%, and at about 35% during days 1-18.

Inquiring minds need to know
That is a good question that I would like to know the answer too. I have a hatch due on Easter that has 2 bantams and 24 large eggs in it and was planning to lock down on Wednesday night as 21 days would be Sunday AM.
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Typically the bantom eggs will hatch a day early. So It really wouldn't hurt to add them to lockdown a day early. It's really just your prefference i guess. Humidity sounds perfect, as long as your getting a great hatch keep doing the same things! Enjoy your Fuzzy Butts and Congrats!!!
Be eggstra careful!



God Bless!
i had two silkie hatches that pipped on day 18, i blamed it on a faulty thermometer . aparently the temp was higher than 99.5 through out the hatch. i now have a brinsea spot check thermometer. but i havent set any silkie eggs because my hens are setting for me.......
Really I didn't know bantam hatch early. I had bantams and standard together in th incubator pips started on day 19 into 20 and hatching not till day 20 and today 21. I had 4 standards hatch before the bantams.
Mine hatch on day 21, just like my standard eggs, so I follow the same lockdown procedures.
I was just asking this based on what I had read last night about Bantams hatching early. Mine did, and I tended to run my temps a little low. I figured slow was better than cooked

Since this is my first hatch I have no history to base this on. So it seems that most say that 21 in the norm for any of the chicken eggs so maybe what I read was just their experience.

Hopefully when I get home tonight there will be 9. I have large eggs in there as well and the chicks would be 1/2 bantam. They never seemed to develop, but I left them in. Is there any problems with chicks that are half large and half bantie? Should they be fertile?
In a forced air incubator both sizes should hatch about the same. In a still air incubator set at 101 at the top of a normal egg the inside of the egg will be 99.5 but if you do the same with a small egg the inside may be 100 because the bottom of the egg is not as far from the point of measure so not as far down into colder air. That would course it to hatch sooner. If you did a mix of both in a still air no matter what you set it at the big eggs will hatch first because they are farther up in to the warmer layers of air. Mind you sone birds genetics play some role.
Mine were/are in a forced air, but I still think there is a difference in the temp. As a matter of fact, I know there is a difference. I have to work on the fan placement next time. I did add a second one 1/2 through and that helped.

Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense.

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