QUESTION?? Is Turkey/chicken safe to eat with a lump on his face?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 10, 2012
Hello, I have 14 chickens that I plan to never eat, they are pets and egg queens. However I have one female turkey that we would like to have for Thanksgiving dinner. However she has a soft lump under one eye. She's on antibiotic water for 2 weeks, as are the chickens due to wheezy breathing and sneezing. Does anyone know if the lump doesnt go away would it indicate that we shouldn't eat the meat? Thank you for any help or direction to a source of knowledge. CE
Hello and welcome to BYC from Kentucky. I really could not say but you might try posting your question in the Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures to find out what the problem may be with the turkey. It would be a good idea to post an image if you can so others may be able to see. Best of luck to your flock that they get over their upper respiratory problems soon.

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