Question of the Day - Monday, March 11th, 2024

I've seen tons of shooting stars but never the Northern Lights. I remember one August when I was young, the Perseid Meteor shower was hitting and all the neighbor kids sat in our driveway to watch. My mom made a ton of popcorn for everyone and we laid there for hours, counting them all. There were hundreds
Both. Growing up in Fairbanks Alaska was tough but I saw Aurora Borealis every winter. Unfortunately, it's hard for lower 48 people to plan a trip to see it since it's not highly predictable. That's why people from around the world go to UAF to study Geophysics. I know that it has a lot to do with pretty cold temps too. In College, we'd bundle up and sit in lawn chairs on top of our dorm building to watch it in Feb. in temps like -30.
During the summer months we'd set up tables in the yard at night, and eat, have fun, and talk under the starlit sky and the tall trees. I've seen loads of shooting stars, but not an aurora borealis

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