question on Corid (bovine-?)


14 Years
May 11, 2009
Frederick County MD
I went to the feed store to get corid for my chickens. The lady there told me it was for cows only & she never heard of giving it to chickens. She showed me the package and it in fact said 'for bovine use'. She suggested Sulmet.
My question is if anyone knows is there different types? Was she wrong.? I see is so strongly recommended on this site that it is hard to understand the feed store's position. I was hoping someone can clear this up for me for the future.
Also what is the difference between the two?. Is one safer? Is one better?

(FYI my chicken may have cocci)
Sulmet is harsh on a chickens system and only treats 2 types of cocci. Also there's a withdrawal period. Corid treats all 9 types of cocci a chicken can get, is easier on their system and has no withdrawal.
Sulmet is harsh on a chickens system and only treats 2 types of cocci. Also there's a withdrawal period. Corid treats all 9 types of cocci a chicken can get, is easier on their system and has no withdrawal.
Thanks but why is it labeled for bovine, as if that is all that can use it?????
I have never had problems with anything before and this has me confused & I don't want to make a mistake.
Is there only one type of corid? Perhaps they just don't carry the one for poultry.
Thanks but why is it labeled for bovine, as if that is all that can use it?????
I have never had problems with anything before and this has me confused & I don't want to make a mistake.
Is there only one type of corid? Perhaps they just don't carry the one for poultry.
It is labeled for cattle, it can be used off label for chickens. Here's a link:

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