Question on Farm Inovators Still Air Incubator Model 2100


6 Years
Aug 13, 2013
Upstate New York
Hello. This is my first time hatching chicken eggs. I bought a Farm Inovators Still Air Incubator Model 2100 and although the temp has constantly fluctuated with this thing, I got lucky and out of 29 eggs I started with, I have 25 that seem to have chicks in them. I'm up to day 20 and some of the eggs are rocking and rolling, no peeping noises and no pipping yet. The gauges on this incubator are horrible so I'm using a thermometer at egg level but still going by the humidity gauge on the incubator...which I have it up to 75%. I have 2 questions, is this humidity level okay at day 20? and #2-on this incubator, the heating elements run across the inside top. One is slightly bent so it is lower than the other. Do you think that when a chick hatches, I will have to worry about it stretching up it's neck and getting burnt on the elements? I touched one accidentally with my hand and it burned bad. The lower of the two hangs approx. 3 inches above the base the eggs sit on. I just have no idea what to expect, are chicks extremely active right away and will be jumping around or climbing on the other eggs? If so, there is a good chance they will be burned by this contraption :(
Sorry I misread....thought you said humidity was 20....75% is higher than my incubator ever gets. It kinda depends on how much fluid they have lost. I weigh mine when setting and then a day or 2 before lockdown to get an idea of how the hatch will go. Too much weight loss, means sticky I get lock down as high as possible. Living in the desert, too little weight loss is never a problem. But, it can mean drown chicks.

Ok probably too much info. You are doing great. Chicks often take a long break after pipping before zipping. You can hear them peeping and see all is good!!
Eggs have started pipping early this morning after my post. I have 4 with holes. It's now 10 hours later and they have not enlarged the holes. should I be worrying yet?
Congratulations !!!!

Nah not to worry about non pippers yet. They will pop out when they are ready. It's hard to picture how low the heating element is. They don't really bop around much until they dry. If you are worried, increase humidity as much as you can....20 is kinda low anyway....and quickly grab the active dry ones out. Some people move the incubator to a steamy bathroom to do this. I use a brinsea and it keeps a nice steady heat/humidity level, so don't worry so much about opening it during lockdown to pull out hatched chicks and eggshells.

Good luck to you!! You must be doing it right if you have chicks hatching!!!
Thank you!!! Now around 7 have pipped and LOTS of wiggly eggs and chicks peeping but still no zipping after 10 hours. So I guess you are right and they are taking a break. Online it says it can be as little as 1 hour and as much as 3 days to break out of eggs once they pip so I should stop worrying. Then again, some other posts say after 12 hours you should assist. It's hard to know what is the right thing to do.
Go with your instincts. I try not to interfere, but sometimes just can't help myself. If you do assist, just take teeny tiny chips off. If the membrane is moist and you see veins....leave them alone. You do not want any bleeding.

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