question on putting chicks with turkey


6 Years
Feb 20, 2013
berks county, Pa
I have one of my turkeys with with my older chickens. But my question is I have 6 4week old chicks. Was wondering when I could put them with my male turkey that is a year old.

Also I have 16 seven week old chicks that have been in a separate pen but where the older hens could see them for a month now could I let them out with the older hens. This is a different coop then where the four week old chicks would be.

Thanks for the help!
I would be leery of putting small chicks in with an adult Tom, depending on his temperament. I've had toms that adored baby birds, no matter what they are. And I've had toms that were just nasty and tried to do them in.

Sorry I didn't answer your question. If you do release them, keep a close eye on everything. He might be fine or he might go berserk. Its one of those situations where you really wont know until you do it. Just be there to intervene if things go wrong.

Good luck.

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