Question: Turkey Poult with sore on beak

the one on the eye was barely visible in the original picture. but just started to get big in the last 24 hours.
Thanks for the shots. I'd probably take it to the vet, asap. Whatever the growth on beak is, it seems to have incorporated/went right on through it :( . Speed of increase in size, and second growth above eye (with no sign of infection - redness of surrounding skin/drainage/odor), maybe a carcinoma.? Can get strange growths secondary to infectious bronchitis, but with no other signs, unlikely. Pox can be overwhelming (but if it is, it's one idiosyncratic presentation).

Any vet should be able to, at the very least, perform an exam of the tissue microscopically (if it is something like Squamous Cell Carcinoma, for instance). At least you'd know if whatever it is is the result of something contagious.

Just shots of our "tumored tom" (chondrosarcoma), the growth did not impinge on the structure of the beak:

You might want to download: Field Mainual of Wildlife Diseases (USGS publicaion):
You can read it, online, as well (Section 4 on viral diseases - Pox shots).

If all else doesn't pan out: As a last chance option: Soak a heavy duty section of hemp or nylon thread in iodine/betadine, make an over hand knot at center of thread, place over growth(s) and tighten up knot at base of growth(s) until snug. Have another person immobilizing turk (wrap in towel), then wrap the ends of thread around both hands - quickly pull knot through growth until growth separates from beak/brow. Both sites will probably bleed so styptic powder/cautery pen (hot blade) ready.

We removed another tumor, from the tom's ( pictured), offspring, using yarn soaked in betadine; but that was not a growth impinging on other bodily structures.

You might also want to start a thread in the Emergencies section (link back to this thread), some member(s) might have seen just this sort of problem in chooks, etc.

Good luck!
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thanks ivan, i posted an thread in the emergencies section with no response thise far.

Ivan3 hit the nail on the head IMO. If this is avian pox it's quite unusual, at no point have I heard of the pox going through the beak like that. Cancer is also my bet for the beak issue, possibly the eye one as well. It may be contagious (as some cancers are caused by viruses); I would separate the turkey and take it to a vet for a sure diagnosis. It may also be genetically heritable so if you were thinking to breed this animal I personally would advise against it just in case. At the very least you know it's more likely to be susceptible than the others, immunologically speaking. Tumors are a known trait of various breeds or family lines of animals from fish to horses, it really covers the whole spectrum of domestics.

Best wishes.
I'd take it to the vet before the poor thing gets worse! It already has one on it's eyelid and that's really bad, I'd see if the vet could take it off through surgery or something. Poor girl!
This may be indicative of another sure and quarantine from any other birds..Did you get to the Vets yet?
I've had Fowl pox in my flock before..never looked like this ( wish I had taken pictures to share.) ..and a few had bad case....

please keep us posted....hope I didn't miss any post :.
My 8 week old turkey just started with this on his beak. From reading above comments, I’m thinking cancer. My heart is broken. He’s such a sweet lil guy. What are your thoughts?

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