

11 Years
May 19, 2008
Not sure which section to put this under, but I guess it goes under "behavior". I'm in VA where we had the 5.8 earthquake today. My chickens hid under a tree when it hit and still haven't wondered out or made any noise since then (and I usually hear happy crows all day long off and on). Is this normal? I mean, I was a little scared so I know it scared them, but it's been several hours now.
They are probably a little shook-up! lol

Give them some time or maybe a treat and see if they come out! I'm sure they are okay, as long as nothing fell on them or hurt them.

Yeah, here in NC mine got a little freaked out, but it didn't last long. I'd do what the last poster mentioned and call them and give them some treats, away from the tree. They'll be fine.
Thanks guys
Shortly after I posted my husband came home...When I went out to greet him I saw them starting to wonder around again and the roos greeted him with a crow
Glad they are ok...Even my poor dogs weren't happy....They KNOW they aren't allowed in the house and have never tried to get in....They almost knocked me down to get in when I opened the door to check on what the heck was going on!

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