

6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
So I'm kinda confused I thought my flock had coryza since I have 5 birds who have runny noses and has a bad odor to them plus they have a nasty gurgling sound, before I found out what coryza was they were in my flock for more then 1 month and none of my other chickens got it so now I'm confused was it really coryza? They had a bad odor from there nostrils with a runny nose and bad cough, I didn't give them medication and there getting better by there selves what's up with that?
Chickens can become immune to Coryza or it is possible your original flock has already had Coryza. Sounds like they did indeed have Coryza as the smell that comes off the faces is a classic symptom.

Your entire flock is now a carrier of this disease.
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X2 on TwoCrows.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I can't really add anything to what TwoCrows has said, but I' glad they're getting better. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck for a full recovery for your flock.
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