questions about timing on laying and others


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 5, 2009
Mesa, AZ
I have a few questions about my 20 week old chickens. Do different breeds lay earlier than others? What color egg does each breed lay (breeds listed below)? How often do they lay?

1.Barred Rock
2.Rhode island Reds
3.Easter Egger

I just started getting a brown egg a day and i am thinking it is one of my reds because she has her comb the most. does that have anything to do with it?

I'm a newbie as well but I feel like I know a lot about chickens from all the time I spend reading old BYC posts!!
I read somewhere (I think on BYC) that if a chicken's earlobes are red, they will lay brown eggs and if they are light, they will lay white eggs. However, I think the Ameracaunas lay blue eggs and the Easter Eggers lay assorted colors ranging from greens to blues to olive colors. Looks like you have a good assortment!! A good pink full comb is a good sign they are ready to start laying soon!
I think one of your RIR's laid the egg they will lay brown eggs- I think my BR laid a brown with some specks in it
congrats on the egg
BR will lay light to medium brown eggs
RIR will lay the same as BR
EE's will lay anything from light blue to a light green or olive. Some times you may even get an egg that looks pinkish
Americana's I think lay any blue hues

Good luck!
I have one BR with 7 BO's all the same age, the BR started laying a full 2 weeks before any of the BO's. Med to dark brown eggs, I can always pick her's out of the bunch.

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