Questions. Help please

Here is his poop. Its really green. Hopefully that's from not eating. He ate sone of the parsley and a little yogurt. He didn't really like the yogurt. He just shook it out of his mouth. Can I ferment the cubes in a plastic container? And measurements?


  • 20200224_192656_HDR.jpg
    431.2 KB · Views: 2
You've been soaking the cubes so you know how much they expand. So use whatever container, glass is best, you've been using and cover the cubes with the same amount of water you've been using to soften the cubes. The only difference will be you'll add about two teaspoons of yogurt. You can mix it into the water or not. Doesn't matter. The active culture will multiply and fermenting will start.

All fermenting does best when kept at a warm room temperature of not below 70F. At 75F, it will ferment faster. The first batch could take 36 hours to 48 hours. You'll know it's fermented by the tangy odor. If it smells putrid, toss it out. The smell should be pleasant, not rotten.

You can add more cubes to the "juice" or save a tablespoon of juice and use it to start a new batch with fresh water. The second batch should ferment in as little as 24 hours.
When photographing anything that can vary in size, it helps us who are viewing the photo to place something next to it for scale, such as a coin or a pen or a ruler. How large would you say that poop is? Has he been eating anything green? Did he eat some parsley?

If he hasn't eaten anything green, then it's bile and that means he isn't eating any food. You need to verify he's not eating.
Yeah, he wasn't eating. He ate a little bit of parsley. Maybe like 6 little stem things with a couple leaves on them. He didnt eat any of his new food. The mill date was last month. The poops have flock raiser crumbles next to them, so it kinda shows scale. The first 2 are the same poop. It was a lot of liquid. The actual green stuff was about as big as my fingertip to the first line of it was all squished together. The other poop was a bit bigger, very watery too. He hasn't had anything green until just now. I made the cube stuff


  • 20200224_194222_HDR.jpg
    359.4 KB · Views: 2
Whrn will the cubes be ready? It's 73 degrees where I put them. It's in a closet, so it's dark.
The cubes won't be fully fermented for a day and a half at minimum, but he can eat it any time. Just keep any that you don't feed to him in the fermenting juice. Did he want to eat any of the yogurt?

If his appetite doesn't improve by tomorrow, I think we might consider an oral antibiotic in case an infection is making him feel ill. Do you have any oral antibiotics on hand? Amoxicillin or penicillin?
He just shook out the yogurt. I'm going to buy him some wheat tomorrow. Should I try to sprout any? I just went and picked out some of the wheat in our sweet feed bag and he ate all of it.
I can order an antibiotic maybe. If you really think it will help I can.

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