Questions on adding a roster in with my hens.....


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen is the situation.... I have 7 Buff Orpington pullets that are coming up on 5 months old. I work over at the Tractor Supply and one of my customers offered me a rooster. My questions are: Can I add a rooster now that they are used to it being just them? He is a bantam rooster, can he live with my Orpington girls? Will adding a rooster stress their normal, lazy everyday routine?

My main concern is that my girls remain just as happy and care free as they are now. I don't want to ruin anything...I am not sure what breed he is, but she said she has 3 that she wants to find homes for and that they are around 3 months old.

they will probably be a little happier, more energetic, and stress free-ish. just dont get 3 roos, just 1! i know that when i got rid of my roo my girls were a lot more stressed out and whiny. as a bantam they can still mate with standards so i guess you are set - be sure to pick the cutest one though - you want the best offspring possible (if you hatch the eggs)
Your girls will be a little stressed, he will try to mate with them quite often.
the carefree days will be over, but it won't be too bad for them, its what nature intended.
they wont be that stressed if hes a bantam; with bantams they cant be that agressive when mating because (if its standard hens) he cant "reach" as much. i am sure that your hens will be just fine.
I would only plan on getting one....

How often will he bother them to "do the deed"?

The lady said they are tiny and she said they have beautiful golden/yellow feathers all around thier necks.

In everyone's it beter to have a rooster or not? Mine free range most of the day around the yard and go in at night...can he sleep in the house with them? Will is disturb any routine they already have?

Sorry for all the questions..I just want to make sure I make the right decision here...
Well my four wonderful hens lost the Mr Roo last week and they are whiney.and looking all day for him.they seem happier with him around.safer maybe? Go for is fun to watch them take care of their hens.
yes i think my chickens did much better with a roo. i reccomend you get him - and yes, he sleeps with them (not like that i mean actual sleeping) and for the deed? a lot.
I added my rooster when he and my ten girls were about 11 months old. They really took to him. What is hard to get used to is the feathers missing where he grabs them behind the comb and on the lower back where he grips with his feet. Add moulting to that now and you have a few really sad ragamuffin-looking girls. Hawkeye has two particular favorites and those two look the worst, but they adore him and he is a great protector and warning system for them since they do freerange. I love what he has added to my flock, but sometimes when I look at my poor Lexie, formerly a beautiful hen, it does bother me. She, however, worships him and is always near him. He'll stay here the rest of his natural life because I adore him, too.
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any ideas on a breed? I am not familiar with a breed that had yellow/golden feathers around the neck....I guess it could be many..

She said they are all really friendly...that is a must for me....I am just really on the fence about it....I don't want to pass up a free, friendly rooster.....and at the same time....I love my girls and don't want to upset them....sounds silly..I It really shouldn't be this big if a deal, but for some reason I am thinking a lot.......uh

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