Questions on free ranging and crop impaction

Just plain water is best, I would not add oregano to it.
They have the option of plain water and the waterer withe Durastat oregano supplement, I have found they will drink more water from the one with the supplement. Would there be any adverse effects of using that supplement?
It is entirely your choice. I personally do not add additives to the water, as water in a natural setting, and naturally consumed by animals, plain water is what they drink. I don't know if there is any harm, there could be. But I don't think there is any benefit either. I do carry fresh water to my birds daily.

I don't quack my birds, some people do, entirely up to them. My point is, that they will be perfectly healthy on plain water. It is an unnecessary expense.

Mrs K
The chickens are on a daily routine I assume, so integrate grass into their routine in a controlled manner. Maybe let them roam in the morning for a set time, then feed the rest of the day on heavier food and monitor their crops in the evening. They should have access to some egg shells in the grass when free ranging but grass is a super healthy supplement to whatever feed they are getting, and I would argue grass is beneficial to balance their nutrients and grit balance.
Birds without access to grit really need to stay on the controlled diet, but birds free ranging, or getting any other things to eat, do need grit. If the soil lacks enough suitable little stones, then they need a dish of grit. Otherwise, many free ranging birds find grit on their own.
Crop impactions can be a genetic issue; we had a small family of Marans, years ago, who all developed impacted crops, This was not a good thing! Definitely didn't keep any of them in our gene pool, and it was really sad.
If they have grit it shouldn't get impacted, that said I had a cockerel that somehow managed to get his crop impacted every other day. Other than that I have never had impacted crops. Also that sanctuary sounds like a prison, my birds would hate it.
If they have grit it shouldn't get impacted, that said I had a cockerel that somehow managed to get his crop impacted every other day.
Think about the anatomy. The crop comes before the gizzard. Grit helps grind stuff in the gizzard. If the stuff is impacted in the crop it cannot get to the gizzard to be ground.

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