Quiet Rooster project

I have a Dominique roo that has a crow that sounds like the horn on the Titanic. Loud as all heck. My hubby can't believe the neighbors haven't come over and throttled him yet.

And as for the "more roosters, less crowing" theory, my sister has about 15 roos and they crow nonstop from dawn to dusk, so I can't buy that one. Hers are all banties, though.
My Dominique Roo Has the loudest and most frequent crow I have ever heard. He starts about 4-5am, and then crows ALLLLLLLLL day! Whether in the coop, in the run, in the yard, etc, He crows.

My golden duckwing OEGB (before he met his maker) used to.... screech (for lack of a better word). It was like "EEE EEEEEEEE" and then he would add this little soft "hmmm" to the end of it.

Wouldnt suggest adding either of those in your breeding!
i use to have a Mille fleur rooster,that was like a wind up toy.Quite crowing,but would protect the BIG girls with gusto.By BIG girls I mean large breed chickens.
I have had several roosters that never crowed, one of them was an EE. But in my experience, roosters that dont crow dont act very much like roosters.
I had two Amber Sex-Links that crowed incessantly from anywhere between 5:00 in the morning to 7:00. Then, I had a Silkie cock who rarely crowed. His was just a hoarse, 'Ee-ee-eek!' which he would shriek about two to three times. Lastly, I had an EE cock that rarely crowed more than twice, and it wasn't even the full 'Cock-a-doodle-doo'. More like a quiet, 'Ck-coouhhh!'
I've had to rehome all of my roosters, the last being this past Saturday. Except, my little buff Silkie. I had no idea if he was a boy or a girl, and I've had him for well over a year! I noticed he had the Silkie "streamers", but he just never seemed to act manly, or roo-ish. Until about 2 weeks ago. He has the quietest, sweetest little crow I've ever heard. It seriously sounds like a baby crying. You would never, ever know he was a rooster. I do believe almost anybody could get away with him because he only does the quiet crowing thing a few times in the morning. He actually did crow for a little while last year, come to think of it but then he stopped.

I told my husband there is no way I'm ever getting rid of him. You see, his wife is a cuckoo Silkie. They are always, always together. It's just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm waiting about 2 weeks after I got rid of the other roo, then I want to put these two Silkies in a pen together and check if her eggs are fertilized. I've seen him try to "do it", but he looked so darn confused. Almost like, "wait, where am I supposed to go? Where's her head at? Where's her rear end at?" If her eggs are fertile, I will definitely be "in" on this project!!!

I've had other Silkies that were stunning, but they were loud! This little guy is pet quality, since he had a single comb. But I truly love him!
I really lucked out when I got him! I wondered if he would crow more when the other roo was gone, but so far so good. Time will tell! Plus, he doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body.
I have a polish/coin mix that starts about 5:00 am and goes nonstop for about an hour then stops. Then, starts up again at almost 3:30 pm on the nose for about ten minutes, then no more crowing for the rest of the day!

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