Quietest Cock?

What they said. Our Silky is tolerable. Our Marans will make you bolt upright in bed, unable to blink in unison again for several minutes.
WIth a few exceptions my R.O. crows when he sees me. Seldom early morning crowing. Have a Welsumer cockeral that is just tuning up and sounds like a heavy smoker trying to clear his throat lol.
Oh make no mistake; a cockerel is a cock is a male. Wyandotte or not, crowing can and likely will ensue.
Better get ready.

Oh, no... Haha. I worded that wrong.
I meant, "He hasn't started crowing yet, so I didn't know what kind of crow he will have."
Compared to other roos in my area my OEG is quiet but I can still hear him get started around 4:30am.

Oh my... I could hear my grandparents Silver Duckwing OEGB half a mile down the road. And of course my roos would all crow back...

Wyandottes are generally pretty quiet

My BLRW were almost as bad as the Marans...lol And the little cockerel from European stock actually said "Cock-a-doodle-doo" with all five syllables. All the rest of my roosters said "Cock-a doo-doo" or some variation of it, but always four syllables.​
Seramas crow all the time,, but not quite as loud. One cochin bantam sounded like a foghorn, the other hardly ever crows and sounds like a high pitch yodeler, he is the one I kept. Crows maybe once a day. I heard Silkies are quiet.

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