Quietest Cock?


11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
Dallas, Texas
What are some of the quietest breeds of chickens?
Just a simple question.
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None of the ones I've ever had...lol I could lay in bed at four in the morning and tell you exactly what rooster was crowing. The Buttercups definitely were shrill and the Marans were like foghorns.
Seramas are suppost to have a softer crow, but the 2 I had crowed from sun up to sun down,they never shutup!!!!
Compared to other roos in my area my OEG is quiet but I can still hear him get started around 4:30am. He crows for about 2 hours, then several times thru the day until the sun goes down. He crows alot when he sees me coming with food:)
Alas, one that has no simple answer.

When it comes to cocks, it is relative. Quiet to you will likely NOT be to your neighbor.
I've had hens that made as much noise as any cock.
Some breeds are reputed to be docile, but much depends on your tolerance. And every breed has strains that cross the line.

Some generally accepted "docile" breeds are Brahmas, Wyandottes, Australorps. I'd start with those.
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Thanks everyone!
My cockerel hasn't started crowing yet, so I was wondering.
My step-father was giving me 'a talking to' about him crowing and the neighbors. I'm glad to see that Wyandottes are generally pretty quiet because that's what he is!

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