Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

I'm home for lunch and here is a quick update. I talked to my DD and the blood work and ultrasound they did this morning "don't show anything conclusive" so they are planning a CT this afternoon. Kyle complains of pain when going to the bathroom and of pain between his incision (near bottom of rib cage on left side) and his pelvic area. His temperature remains high. He keeps asking to go home and sleep in his own bed. Please pray they find out the source/cause of the fever and pain.
Thank you all for your continuing prayers, Mary

@Blooie I hope you are right and it is nothing more than a reaction to the treatment.
Hugs and prayers
I'm home for lunch and here is a quick update.  [COLOR=222222]I talked to my DD and the blood work and ultrasound they did this morning "don't show anything conclusive" so they are planning a CT this afternoon. Kyle complains of pain when going to the bathroom and of pain between his incision (near bottom of rib cage on left side) and his pelvic area. His temperature remains high. He keeps asking to go home and sleep in his own bed. Please pray they find out the source/cause of the fever and pain.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]Thank you all for your continuing prayers, [/COLOR][COLOR=222222]Mary[/COLOR]

[/COLOR]   I hope you are right and it is nothing more than a reaction to the treatment.

Love, hugs and prayers heading your way :hugs
Update from this afternoon:

Hello. Overnight Kyle's temp reached 102, so after calling the oncologist, we went to the ER. When we arrived, his temp was 104. They ran a few tests and admitted him. The problem is that he has this high temperature fever that he can't seem to shake, but they can't find a cause for the fever. They have ruled out virus, infection, and post surgery negative reaction. They have done blood work, urine cultures, an ultra sound, chest X-ray and CT (with contrast). All but the CT have come back inconclusive for any problem areas. We are currently waiting for CT results. Everything looks normal except this fever that clearly indicates something going on. He recently received a small dose of morphine to help with pain. Since that dose, he has been more reasonable... Less crying and whining and more talking. Still not eating. They have had him on fluids since we arrived so he is not dehydrated. They have had him on antibiotics, as well as an anti-fungal medicine just in case.
Please pray that God would grant these doctors wisdom to find whatever is wrong and be able to fix it. And that God would just heal him without any additional treatments or procedures. We will keep you posted on what the CT results are.
Update from this afternoon:
[COLOR=222222]Hello. Overnight Kyle's temp reached 102, so after calling the oncologist, we went to the ER. When we arrived, his temp was 104.  They ran a few tests and admitted him. The problem is that he has this high temperature fever that he can't seem to shake, but they can't find a cause for the fever. They have ruled out virus, infection, and post surgery negative reaction. They have done blood work, urine cultures, an ultra sound, chest X-ray and CT (with contrast).  All but the CT have come back inconclusive for any problem areas. We are currently waiting for CT results. Everything looks normal except this fever that clearly indicates something going on. He recently received a small dose of morphine to help with pain. Since that dose, he has been more reasonable... Less crying and whining and more talking. Still not eating. They have had him on fluids since we arrived so he is not dehydrated. They have had him on antibiotics, as well as an anti-fungal medicine just in case.[/COLOR][COLOR=222222]
[/COLOR][COLOR=222222]Please pray that God would grant these doctors wisdom to find whatever is wrong and be able to fix it. And that God would just heal him without any additional treatments or procedures. We will keep you posted on what the CT results are.[/COLOR]
Praying! :hugs
Hi everyone! I apologize for not being on this thread for so long. I hope you all are doing well. Lots of changes have happened lately for my family and I. My brother graduated, we remodeled lots of rooms at the lodge and two dear friends of ours went to be with Jesus. But, I'm back finally!

It's been hard keeping up with everything going on with this thread, but from what I've read, I am praying for Kyle.
I'm very sorry if I've missed any other important posts.

Love you all!

Update from this afternoon:
[COLOR=222222]Hello. Overnight Kyle's temp reached 102, so after calling the oncologist, we went to the ER. When we arrived, his temp was 104.  They ran a few tests and admitted him. The problem is that he has this high temperature fever that he can't seem to shake, but they can't find a cause for the fever. They have ruled out virus, infection, and post surgery negative reaction. They have done blood work, urine cultures, an ultra sound, chest X-ray and CT (with contrast).  All but the CT have come back inconclusive for any problem areas. We are currently waiting for CT results. Everything looks normal except this fever that clearly indicates something going on. He recently received a small dose of morphine to help with pain. Since that dose, he has been more reasonable... Less crying and whining and more talking. Still not eating. They have had him on fluids since we arrived so he is not dehydrated. They have had him on antibiotics, as well as an anti-fungal medicine just in case.[/COLOR][COLOR=222222]
[/COLOR][COLOR=222222]Please pray that God would grant these doctors wisdom to find whatever is wrong and be able to fix it. And that God would just heal him without any additional treatments or procedures. We will keep you posted on what the CT results are.[/COLOR]

Prayers for Kyle.
His body might be treating the chemo as an invading army and making a war the poor kid does not need.
Please keep up posted. This is worrisome news.
Hugs and prayers sent… wish I could do more. I hope the little man will get to feel better soon and whatever is causing that fever now will clear up! He's been through a lot in a short while, I hope things will turn for the better for him soon
@Mountain Peeps good to see you back. Sorry to hear about the friends that passed.

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