Rüłęr Øf Ñìght-Å Wärrìor Çats Roleplay



Free Ranging
8 Years
Jan 21, 2016
Please Read First

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

A massive dark tabby looked at the sky. A full moon shown on the clearing. Her tail twitched worriedly."So many cats have fallen, to illness and these creatures." She murmured, her solem voice echoing throughout the clearing of cats. But not many cats."StarClan has abandoned us. What good are they if they give us no cure?" Soft murmur's of agreement echoed from the small group of gathered cats."This shadow creatures, this illness...And now SplashClan attacking every clan from every corner, will we ever survive?" A blue gray leader next to the tabby spoke up."We must!"A black and white SheCat next to them hissed, her amber eyes alight with fiery hope."We must!"She repeated."StarClan will save us, One day!" "I see where you come from, Fallenstar, But....One day might be two late."The tabby murmured, dropping her head low. A ominous snarl came from beside her. A massive shadow like creature, huge, dog like paws and jaws. It grabbed the tabby, a shriek echoing through the clearing."Thornstar!"The black and white SheCat yowled, jumping towards the edge. At the bottom of the great rock, a bloody body of a dark tabby lay at the bottom, the creature no where to be seen."Take your dead leader home, And pray that StarClan sends us a cure."Fallenstar murmured, jumping away.

Summery: Darkness has fallen over the four clans. A mysterious illness is wiping out cat after cat. With seemingly no cure. And at the same time, shadow creatures, mostly wolves, dogs, and large cats attack three of the four clans. SplashClan, a clan seemingly unharmed by this, attacks every clan it gets the chance to. Eight cats, Two of each clan, young warriors and apprentice, will get a prophecy. To come togeather, and search for the final cure.
"Silver Circle, Ruler of Night. Approach it's might, and be given a cure, to make all cats pure. It resides where light hides, under the cloak of black and white."

Please fill this out:

Age(In Moons):
Other Kin:
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?:
Roleplay Example(Read rules first):

-Read the BYC and the sticky at the top of the page first!
-DO NOT kill or severely injure another's cat without asking
-DO NOT automatically assume another's cat wants to be your cat's mate
-DO NOT fight with other players in the Roleplay or OOC. Hate the character, not the player.
-DO NOT whine, cry, or beg if I reject your character, it's for my own reasons.
-TRY NOT to post one liners. I get it, I get stuck sometimes to. But try not to, Please!
-ONLY Make as many characters as you can handle.
-Prophecy cats MUST be 24 moons or under.
-If you make a Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat/Apprentice, or Prophecy cat, I may not accept you if I don't think your character is right for the role.
-I will update this with more rules if I think of them, but other then that, HAVE FUN!

SplashClan- Cold, Mysterious, Sneaky. Live near the river.
Prey: Crabs, Crayfish, Minnows, Salmon(Rare) Trout.
Leader: Shadowstar(ChickenCowboy02
Deputy: Open(1)
Medicine Cat: Open(Up to 2)
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Open(Up to 2)
Senior Warrior: Open(Unlimited)
Warrior's: Snowsong(Cluckcluck1215)(Unlimited)
Queen's: Open(Unlimted)
Kit's: Open(Unlimited)
Elder's: Open(Unlimited)
Apprentice's: Open(Unlimited)
Prophecy Cat's:Open(2)

SmokeClan-Kind, Welcoming, But always ready for battle. Live in the open moor and the woodlands. Camp resides in the woodland area.
Prey: Rabbits, Birds, Mole's, Mice,Squirrel's, Chipmunks.
Leader: Fallenstar(Cluckcluck1215)
Deputy: Open(1)
Medicine Cat: Open(2)
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Icepaw(CluckCluck1215)
Senior Warrior's:Open(Unlimited)
Warrior's: Fernshade, Goldentail, Brackenclaw(Cluckcluck1215)Open(Unlimited)
Apprentices: Flamepaw, Dovepaw, Morningpaw, Tigerpaw(Cluckcluck1215)Open(Unlimited)
Prophecy Cats: Morningpaw, Open.

MapleClan: Reserved, Quiet, not to keen to fight. Lives in the open moorland.
Leader: Open
Deputy: Robinwing(AMERUCAUNAS4REAL)
Medicine Cat: Open
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Nettlepaw(Cluckcluck1215)
Senior Warriors: Open
Warriors: Open
Queens/Kits: Open
Apprentice's: Crowpaw, Rabbitpaw, Longpaw, Lilypaw(Cluckcluck1215) Dawnpaw(OldEnglishGameBantam33) Open
Prophecy cat's: Sparrowpaw(RoostersAreAwesome) Crowpaw(Cluckcluck1215)

ForestClan: Cold, Harsh, Mysterious, Ready to fight. But unlike SplashClan, they are affected by the disease and the shadow creatures.
Live in the thick jungle like forest.
Prey: Anything they can find.
Leader: Fogstar(Will die soon)Cluckcluck1215
Medicine Cat:
Medicine Cat Apprentice:
Senior Warrior:
Warriors: Ivypelt(Cluckcluck1215)
Prophecy cat's: Coldshard(AMERUCANAS4REAL)

StarClan- Good cats that are dead

The Dark Forest(Place of No Star's)- Evil cats that are dead

*The cats I have reserved for me I will be making soon. Please do not copy this, I work VERY hard on it*[/I]
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Name: Snowsong
Age(In Moons): 43
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Frosty, Mysterious, sly. A trickster, a manipulator.
Mentor/Apprentice: Open for a Apprentice.
Description: Pure white she-cat with green eyes. A scar running from the top of her left eye all the way across her underbelly.
History: Hidden, secret.
Mate/Crush: None yet
Kits: None
Parents: Dead
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Dead
Other Kin: None
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?: NA
Roleplay Example(Read rules first):NA
Other: NA
Username: CluckCluck1215
Name: Fallenstar
Age(In Moons): 28 Moons
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Leader
Personality: To be played
Mentor/Apprentice: Open for a apprentice!
Description: Skinny black and white SheCat with a long tail, amber eyes.
History: to be played out.
Mate/Crush: open for a mate!
Kits: None
Parents: Cloudberry and Snowfall
Siblings: Goldentail, Fernshade
Grandparents: Flowerstar and Gourseclaw(Dead)
Other Kin: None yet
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?: N/A
Roleplay Example(Read rules first): N/A
Other: N/A
Username: Cluckcluck1215
Name: Icepaw(flower)
Age(In Moons): 8 Moons
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice
Personality: Timid, Shy, Sweet, Helpful, Protective of those she love's.
Mentor/Apprentice: Open(Medicine cat)
Description: Small white SheCat with sky blue eyes. Quick, small paws.
History: Born and raised in SmokeClan, Icepaw watched her sister die from deathberries, and swore from that day she would become a medicine cat.
Mate/Crush: None
Kits: None
Parents: NPC
Siblings: Flamepaw, Dovepaw(Living) Featherkit(Dead)
Grandparents: NPC
Other Kin: None
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?: N/A
Roleplay Example(Read rules first): N/A
Other: N/ A
Username: Cluckcluck1215

Name: Flamepaw(wind)
Age(In Moons): 8
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior Apprentice
Personality: Snappy, harsh at times, quick to anger, but maybe one day he'll find someone he loves other then his siblings.
Mentor/Apprentice: Need's a mentor
Description: Dark ginger Tom with bright emerald green eyes.
History: NA
Kits: NA
Parents: NA
Siblings: Icepaw, Dovepaw(alive) Featherkit(Dead)
Grandparents: NA
Other Kin: NA
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?: Mhm
Roleplay Example(Read rules first): NA
Other: NA
Username: Cluckcluck1215

Name: Dovepaw(song)
Age(In Moons): 8
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Warrior Apprentice
Personality: Kind, quiet, shy.
Mentor/Apprentice: Needs mentor
Description: Light gray tabby, silver paws and muzzle, and green eyes.
History: NA
Mate/Crush: Open
Kits: NA
Parents: NA
Siblings: Icepaw, Flamepaw(alive) Featherkit(Dead)
Grandparents: NA
Other Kin: NA
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?: NA
Roleplay Example(Read rules first): NA
Other: NA
Username: Cluckcluck1215

Name: Morningpaw(flame)
Age(In Moons): 8
Gender: Shecat
Rank: Warrior apprentice
Personality: To be played
Mentor/Apprentice: Needs mentor!
Description: Light golden tabby SheCat with dazzling emerald green eyes.
History: None yet
Mate/Crush: None(not open)
Kits: none
Parents: Flamefang and Firefrost
Siblings: Tigerpaw, Poppykit.
Other Kin: NA
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?: mhmmmmmmm
Roleplay Example(Read rules first): NA
Other: NA
Username: Cluckcluck1215

Name: Tigerpaw(strike)
Age(In Moons): 8
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior apprentice
Personality: Snappy, cold, but might warm up to you.
Mentor/Apprentice: Need's mentor!
Description: Long haired dark brown tabby. Lighter tan swirls mixed it with the black. A thick plumy tail that sways low to the ground, and Maine coon like ears. Large amber eyes and a thick scar running down his shoulder.
History: NA
Mate/Crush: Open
Kits: None
Parents: Firefrost and Flamefang
Siblings: Morningpaw, Poppykit.
Other Kin: NA
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?:mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Roleplay Example(Read rules first): NA
Other: NA
Username: Cluckcluck1215
Name: Fernshade
Age(In Moons): 15
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Warrior
Personality: To be played
Mentor/Apprentice: Nonw
Description: Dark gray/Black SheCat with blue eyes
History: NA
Mate/Crush: Brackenclaw
Kits: None
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Goldentail
Grandparents: NONE THEY DIED
Other Kin: na
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?: na
Roleplay Example(Read rules first): na
Username: Cluckcluck1215

Name: Goldentail
Age(In Moons): 15
Gender: She-cat
Rank: warrior
Personality: Kind, caring, motherly like.
Mentor/Apprentice: NA
Description: Golden tail SheCat with amber eyes.
History: NA
Siblings: Fernshade
Other Kin: NA
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?:NA
Roleplay Example(Read rules first): NA
Other: Fernshade, Goldentail and Brackenclaw are just back roundish characters that's why they are very bland
Username: Cluckcluck1215

Name: Brackenclaw
Age(In Moons): 16
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Playful, kind, smart, quick thinker.
Mentor/Apprentice: Open
Description: Look up pictures of Brackenfur
History: Na
Mate/Crush: Fernshade
Kits: NA
Other Kin:NA
If I believe your cat is right for the prophecy, would you like to be a part of it?:NA
Roleplay Example(Read rules first):AN
Username: Cluckcluck1215

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