R.I.P Butter 2007-2008 (pic heavy)

Whatever caused her death...I'm so grieved for you. Please know that she loved you and you were a great chickenmama to her.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

I think when birds pass they all have the floppy neck, but the protuding 'mass'... google 'impacted crop' when you feel up to it and see if that fits.

I am sorry for your loss! I lost one this past friday that I suspected was and internal layer. Butter was a beautiful bird. I know that she will be greatly missed.
I am so so sorry for your lost,she was a very beautiful hen, and I will truely be sad like you ifit was me, last sunday we lost a pullet and I got really upset for that too, and what makes me crazy tat she was running eating and doing all the things chickens do all the sudden my wife went back only after two hours on sunday afternoon to check on them and she found her dead.

I tink it was a heart attack.


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