R.I.P Serafina I will miss you

This may be kind of weird and if it is, I apologize and will take it down. But I lost a hen to a hawk once and at first I was very dismayed and horrified. But then I thought, that's part of the circle of life thing. And now my hen has become part of that hawk, and in a way she's kind of soaring over the treetops as part of that hawk, in a way she never could if she had always been a chicken. I was comforted and thought it was kind of neat.
This may be kind of weird and if it is, I apologize and will take it down. But I lost a hen to a hawk once and at first I was very dismayed and horrified. But then I thought, that's part of the circle of life thing. And now my hen has become part of that hawk, and in a way she's kind of soaring over the treetops as part of that hawk, in a way she never could if she had always been a chicken. I was comforted and thought it was kind of neat.
The circle of life can be a hard thing for some to understand when it comes to a pet. You are very right though and trying to look at it in a positive light helps with the bereavement. Predators as they are, also play an important part in that circle of life.

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