rabbit help


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Our bunny keeps haveing big clumps of poo on her but.
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* That's a new one on me-- and I had a lot of rabbits, unless. . . if it's cage isn't being cleaned often enough. Then, she could be backing into the mess to poo and be getting more stuck on her butt.
It has hapened a few times.
one time we had just put her on grass which she hadn't been on for a little while?
and once nothing was different.
The poo is very soft and different from her regular poo.
What kind of rabbit is it??? Only asking because sometimes the long haired (angoras,lionheads, etc) can have the poo clump to the hair around the bottom. They needed to be brushed and groomed more than the shorter haired rabbits.
If the rabbit is always on pellets for feed and you suddenly switch to grass or lots of veggies they can get the runs. You can try giving a little raw oatmeal. That might help in making the poo not so soft.

We give our rabbits a mix of pellets and an all animal mix. They also get horse feed with molasses mixed in during the winter. Daily we give ours fruits, veggies, crackers, ceral, oatmeal. They also have grass given daily (when no snow on ground). They get hay and tree branches put in there cages too. The tree branches will help with the teeth and nails.
Could it be her cecotrope? Rabbits pass soft poo to re digest, but once in a while they don't actually eat it. Also, switching up her diet could be causing runny poo.
I think it was the new food and she hasn't had it for a while so we are good now

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