Rabbit raid?


honestly, no sarcasm, i think i would just literly loose my mind if i lost my animals. i know even already when i was still just little when i went to a friends house or somewhere i would get so bored because i wasn't able to see what there was to do without chores and watching animals, i still can't. when i was a little older and went somewhere i relized what u do. u watch TV, chat and, go shopping stuff like that. i cant stand doing any of those things (except chatting about animals
). Like i said i don't know what i would do, i'm up from 7 a.m to 11 pm with my animals.
I hope she gets her rabbits back and is paid damages for her ruined breeders. I'm just starting out and I cannot imagine! I hope she gets enough money to get a lawyer big and mean enough to do this justice! I'm so tired of breeders getting persecuted. Words like Puppy Mill and Backyard Breeder are thrown around so much and so casually they've lost meaning to me. Every place with more than two dogs seems like it's getting labelled a PM or BYB situation in my area. At least nobody's started in on the rabbits here YET.

Did I read that she did get her rabbits back/??? I sure hope so and that she didn't loose any.. And is compensated for all the trouble the raid caused her and the rabbits...


dont think she will be getting them back. I was so mad too, but after seeing pics, I dont think she has much hope. I do not think its the end of the world but that is quite alot of build up in the cages. Having tacky gums is a questionable way to assess dehydration. They all look in good flesh. The matting on the angoras is pretty typical. I work at a vet and shave off worse all the time. It happens quickly.
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I'm sorry, I have to disagree. That picture show discoloration of the base of the cage that is NOT touching the animals inside. Rabbit urine is VERY acidic and stinky!!! Our cages discolor in a matter of months, and they do not even live in them, they are simply for transport to shows.

You are right about the angora's. At your vets office, I wonder if you could be encouraged to pluck the angora wool rather than shave them. German angoras are the only angoras that need to be sheared. Most angoras have very sensitive skin, and when you pluck the wool, they already have about an inch of wool growth to protect their skin. When they are sheared it leaves them susceptible to sunburn, fly bites, all kinds of things that their natural wool growth is meant to protect.

I feel really bad for the owner of these rabbits. I would love to be able to talk to her.
You have to click on the slide show in the link. There is poop piles 4 inches in the corners, well youll see.

believe me I dont think this should have happened still. Things get away from everyone sometimes. She should have been warned. They are food for heavens sakes, livestock.

There is no plucking these rabbits when they have this extensive of matting with urine and feces stuck in it. You would be pulling their skin off in the process. Its gross. But I will say these are usually indoor rabbits so they are not on wire.
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Finally, some photos/information! Yeah, those conditions look bad to me in my personal opinion.
Especially with heavy soiling in the food dishes and cage corners. Glad to see it wasn't a completely bogus deal in a way. In a way, it is comforting to see a case where it is not just AR strong arming. In a way it is not comforting, because I hate seeing animals sitting in their own poop.
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There are two schools of thought on wire bottoms, and I am one in favor of them. We raise french angoras and there is just no way for cleanliness to happen with all that wool. It has GOT to have someplace to go. Their condos are built so they do have a choice to with lay on the wire or a solid surface.

You must see some horrible stuff if buns come in there in that bad of shape. Even if I don't brush mine for 2 weeks, it is a fairly easy job.

You must see my pride and joys: www.northernwindsranch.com Rabbits, gallery. I love them so.

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