Rabbit raid?

Agreed. Trust me, rabbit breeders the nation wide are up in arms over this one. It is the talk of the show circuit, even here in CA. The majority of rabbit breeders LOVE their animals even if they are for sale/show/breeding.
Sorry those cages are gross. That is a lot of poop that hasn't been removed.....I would guess they havent been cleaned in weeks. Look at the size of the rabbits compared to the size of the poop pile.....

Not saying they should all have been seized...but something definitely needed to change.

I actually have to say that most of the buns that come in for "clip and cleans" are not even angoras. they are just your average rabbit that has a 3" diameter poop plug back there. Worst smell ever. Urine scald ect. The only thing that they have in common is being inside caged rabbits, non wire bottom. I have no clue why it happens but it does. My guess is intermittent diarhhea from the confetti foods they get and "treats" They usually will poop normally while there. Could also be night feces that just gets stuck.

I actually have to say that most of the buns that come in for "clip and cleans" are not even angoras. they are just your average rabbit that has a 3" diameter poop plug back there. Worst smell ever. Urine scald ect. The only thing that they have in common is being inside caged rabbits, non wire bottom. I have no clue why it happens but it does. My guess is intermittent diarhhea from the confetti foods they get and "treats" They usually will poop normally while there. Could also be night feces that just gets stuck.

People need to be educated about rabbit health upon purchase. We have fact sheets, what not to give a rabbit sheets, how to clean the scent gland sheets, etc. We provide them with a list of what they should feed them as well as a bag of rabbit pellets with the name of it in the bag.

Ugh. Fed a regular and correct diet, those kinds of things don't happen often.
Here are a couple of the pics because the link is hard to navigate.

I still hope she wins in court. Even if she needs to clean more ect, they went about it completely wrong.



Thanks for those. Yeah, that is gross. The first pic looks to me like the rabbit is blowing it's coat. Angoras get HUGE mats in a matter of minutes when that starts up. But the poop is gross, and not at all how I keep mine.

Disclaimer: I do not have 200 rabbits. I have 10.
Those pictures do show some pretty dirty cages.

Still looks to me like someone was behind on scraping those cages down. Especially being as the drip trays look pretty empty an the cage in the background of that one shot looks almost spotless to me.

I actually have to say that most of the buns that come in for "clip and cleans" are not even angoras. they are just your average rabbit that has a 3" diameter poop plug back there. Worst smell ever. Urine scald ect. The only thing that they have in common is being inside caged rabbits, non wire bottom. I have no clue why it happens but it does. My guess is intermittent diarhhea from the confetti foods they get and "treats" They usually will poop normally while there. Could also be night feces that just gets stuck.

Mine are indoor on solid bottoms *but* they are also litterbox trained (bunnies are sooo much brighter than cats. However if you Don't keep the box cleaned out and litter changed they can gunk up bad. Ours get litter fully changed twice a week, and real rabbit food, not that stuff they sell in pet stores that look like kiddie cereal.
I disagree...the drip trays are empty in front only because the bunnies were pooping in the back. They hadn't been cleaned in a while. Gross. I'm not super eccentric about clean cages but that's unacceptable. Not wanting Big Brother telling you what to do is not an excuse to think this is okay. Its not poop build up on top of the wire, its poop piled up underneath to where no poop could fall through....it's gross.

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