Rabbit raid?

An english angora blowing it's coat.

I agree with beaner. I seem to have information from two sides here, but seeing those pics may lead me to change my mind. There is no way my cages would ever look like that. Not in a million years. Even the second story of our condos that have solid floors NEVER have that much build up. They are hosed out daily. Rabbits poop ALOT, yes. So it looks to me like about a weeks worth of build up, in the corner shots. The tray that is full - that is about a 2 inch tray and it takes time to poop that much.

No way I would let mine get like that. *sigh*
Depending on how deep the trays are that is still alot of poop. A for the small rabbit to have to climb to the top of a pile that is bigger than it is, is pretty gross.
YUCK!! I have been reading on this from the start =/ Wow those cages are disgusting. She should have been warned and then followed up on. Maybe she just had too many to keep up with. In that case it's not the animals fault and she should have been responsible and lowered her numbers. If this case were about puppies or kittens nobody would think this is ok....hmmmmmm
It looks like they really did have grounds against her. The poop piling up in filthy cages is unacceptable. Does not look like an automatic water system like was first said either, but empty water bottles or filthy bowls.
Yeah I've been defending this lady, having been told several times she did nothing wrong, then I saw these pictures. They still should have given her a chance to comply and I hate to see them taking people's livelihood BUT I think you've got a problem when the piles are almost over the rabbit's head. That little ND needs a ladder to get to his poo corner! I don't know anything about angoras so I'm inclined to believe debiraymond about the blowing of coats and all. Still, I doubt she had time to brush them enough if she can't get rid of the fecal mountains in the cages. I went to a Rabbitry on the day before his maintenance and there was poop in the trays but I didn't see any hillocks of poop in the cages. The poor woman probably just had an off week or something and had a "raid" on her at the worst possible time. Still, clean out the poo, lady.

I'd be scared to have as many as she does if things get that bad so quickly. Then again we don't do stacking cages so they'd have to poo a five foot pile before it reached their feet! I still think the "rescue" groups have too much power and wield it irresponsibly, and I think they are out to get breeders--everyone seems out to get breeders--but she might have cleaned more than she did to avoid them having any grounds to do such a thing. Like I always say about groups like that, don't give em anything to get you on because they will!

JMO, I think she may have been getting a little over her head. Sometimes people just get worn down and can't keep up the pace. It is sad that it came to this and I do agree that I think she should have been warned and given a chance to comply.
I've been defending this lady too. I'll be eating some crow.

Those cages are disgusting and unacceptable. And now that I've listened to the radio shows she gives, she has given quotes with completely conflicting information.

She doesn't have auto-waterers. She does not clean cages daily.

Also, I now understand why the dead rabbit "changes everything" because they only have the ability to surmise the animal died from the conditions it's living in.

It's kind of a caveat to us all....if you are going to operate with those many rabbits without a license, you better be above reproach.

I'm newer to rabbits, but I'm curious why they didn't have free access to water, but water only in the morning? Is this something I'm not understanding? Dh used to raise meat rabbits and he has the same philosophy as you do with chickens, that you give free access all the time.
Yeah it's pretty clear she hadn't brushed that angora in a long time. Even if I go 3 weeks without brushing mine, they in no way resemble that rabbit. How sad for them. My friend that knows her personally is really heart broken since these photos came out. She lives down the street from her and can't figure out why the gal didn't call her for help, because it is clear she got over her head qickly.
Im going to guess pride. Then again we don't know that she didn't ask someone somewhere for help. I mean someone knew she was over her head an called the hotline. For them to know I would think she would have had to told someone.
While I agree that the police went about this badly and overstepped their authority, that set-up looked bad to me. The original link in this tread was to an anti-government site, so obviously their story is going to be biased, and since the other photos came out...ugh. Another poster upthread was correct in say that if that was puppies or kittens, no way in hell would anyone be defending that woman.

I have to wonder what that place must have smelled like.

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