Rabbit raid?

Speaking of cage size, I read--on here a time or two--that 2'x2' is a good cage size so I used that as the dimensions of my cages for the fair. Oh my gosh they are huge for display cages. My friend actually crawled in one! My Hotos look like they're disappearing haha. Oh well I built nine of them yesterday because I couldn't bear breaking them apart and re-cutting--so my rabbits will be in display mansions for the fair.

Back on topic--our Lionheads often have hair hanging on the bottoms of their cages and we brush it off everyday to try and stay ahead--we only have six LH rabbits and only two adults so that might explain why we can do that on a daily basis. Our Hotos--temporarily indoors until cooler weather--run around their room while we scrub out their cages and replace bedding every day. There are five of them. Our chickens and guineas need their waterer scrubbed everyday--I think they're trying to make adobe bricks in the waterer--and we have to stall-dri under the turkeys every few days. We don't have problems yet but I can see where it could get exhausting after a long time. Our herd and flock keep us plenty busy, but if things got out of hand we would find a way to fix it--and have a few times when mini disasters strike. I just believe with all those 4-H kids it would be cleaner. I have no idea what to believe anymore about this case. I hope we find out soon what's going go happen to her and her rabbits. I'm sure she's even more eager to find out.

For dwarf hotots or lionheads, 12x24 would be sufficicent for display cages....you may want to just split them. I have a pair of 12x24 cages I use for single very young kits (like 8-12 weeks) or temporary cages. I raise lionheads.....

My standard cages are 18x30 with wire bottoms, 24x24 with solid bottoms or 24x48 with solid bottoms. I like to give the younger ones the 24x48 as they have so much fun running and playing. My bucks are now all in 24x24 bachelor pads out back (so they can spray all they want, disgusting creatures).

My wire cages may be new but even if I go a week or two between cleaning, they never look close to that.....
This is horrible! I run my rabbitry just fine here in southern Illinois and no one even second glances in my way this iis unconstitutional and just plain unethical the sheriff was tryin to show off and its safer to not spay and nueter rabbits because bunnies do not do well with surgery
I could

n't see markings on all the cages but many of them have pink or blue plastic close pins or 2x4 hospital employe style name badges clipped to the cages. And there seams to be marking on the feeders to.



Edited to add the pictures.

That's how mine is set up. Pink and blue tags. Names on top of water bottles and back of feeders.
If you find a good rabbit savvy vet the operation should go just fine. I neutered my 4 rabbits. Rabbits should always be neutered/spayed (unless there is a medical reason of course, but it is rare that a rabbit cant be fixed for medical reasons)

85% of females die of uterine cancer after the age of 3 if they are not spayed (My Chloe died of uterine cancer, before I knew they should be spayed), males get tumors and cancer in their testicles (Izzy did). and they also have behavioral problems (spraying, aggression, etc) just like a cat or dog might if not fixed. I've seen a whole personality change in animals when they are fixed. They are generally happier. Not to mention, rabbits are extremely social but will most likely fight with other rabbits if they aren't fixed due to hormones.
I think the big difference of opinion on this is that half of us are comparing her setup to something like this.

An the other half are comparing her setup to something like this.

or this.

Yes its dirty. Criminal? No, probably close to average for livestock as a whole.

Sure we need to raise the bar but this is not how to push that agenda.
Colorado has a law known as PACFA( pet animal care facilities act) If you raise and sell animals here you MUST be licensed and inspected. You MUST meet a minimum code of cleanliness and care. You MUST maintain records. You MUST dispose of dead animals according to PACFA regulations and you must be able to supply all vet records for animals housed in your care if you are a breeder of any animal. Right or wrong in a person's own view of the conditions in that rabbitry, the fact is she failed to meet the regulations. I said this in the thread that got closed down about this rabbitry and I stand by it..... regardless of what you think of the law here in Colorado NO ONE is above it and those of us in the animal industry in whatever capacity, all have to abide by the law. Hopefully I wont be getting into trouble for saying that again but it is the truth. I dont know if she was person who simply got overwhelmed by whatever life circumstances happened to be hers or if she had a carefully maintained facade but really in the end what does it matter? The law was broken and there are repercussions for that.

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