
her mouth is just fine inside lol and she just threw up a buntch of gunk and its looking like she's feeling better so maybe it was just whatever she ate?? she's still not drinking or eating though.
she's acting normal now..except for not eating but she is happily chewing on a stick so maybe it was just her stomach making her feel funky lol man i really do worry way way way too much......
She dosn't seem agressive any more....how can i get he to eat her food??? should i get her to eat??or would that make it worse, should i keep food away from her?
M ylittle nahani wolf looks happy now
i love he so much there just isn't words to express how relieved i am that it probably really isn't rabies!!!
let her stomach settle down..
keep food away for a bit..
when my dog was sick..my vet told me to boil up some hamburg and mix it with cooked white rice..its supposed to be easy on their tummy...
yes.. if its white rice...with NO seasonings..etc....
but i'd wait to feed her until tonight.(supper time)...and only feed her a little bit...maybe a cup..??
and leave her water down for her to drink...
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Take away the stick! And feed her only a little dog food with water on it. NOTHING but dog food.

I was suspecting intestional issues, now even moreso. I nearly lost a Lab last month- bowel obstruction caused by wood. NO chicken bones, no sticks, no human food. Dog food only, especially in an 11 month old.
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the stick is already all chewed up and laying on the floor lol she didn't eat ti though i dumped out the old dog food and but a little bit of fresh in there with a tad of rice she hasn't noticed yet though.
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