
my vet told me only rice and boiled hamburg for a week... then to start adding in dog food slowly.. and pepcid ac twice a day..
my dog was really sick though.. he lost like 15 lbs in a week... but the rice and hamburg helpd him to stop vomitig...
but really..WE are not vets..the dog needs a vet... IMO

and YES..take away the stick...
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when my daddy gets home i'll tell him what happend, his tire exploded on the way back home so he had to stop at pomps to get sopmething done with his tires, it turns out he didn't forget his cell but anyway i told him about her weird behavior and told him she threw up then he had to go so i didn't get a chance to tell him the rest.
ew.....of corse ths is so typical of her, she won't touch her water in her bowl but when she goes outside she drinks out of all the puddles!!!!!! at least she drank something.
When I was a teenager we had a dog that did the same thing. It was distemper. And that's what it sounds like to me. I would stress to your parents how important this is.

They have a responsibility to this dog to take it to a vet.

We didn't have a car and the vet was 8 miles away. My step dad carried our German Shepherd 8 miles to the vet to get her treated. He could have easily put a bullet in her head but she was the family pet and she was important to us. The vet said that it was a good thing that we brought her in because she would have died a miserable death.

You really should discorage drinking from puddles...there can be bacteria in them, and parasites. NOT good for a dog. Hope she's better soon.
that could be the problem right there...dogs can catch a nasty bug from drinking from puddles.. (i forget the name of it though..
she playing outside with her toys like she always does so i don't think anything was really wrong with her, maybe she just was out eating horse poop or something. she does that a lot but i had never seen her get that sick from it but anyway, she is acting normal now so maybe i was just worying way to much.
thx for all ur help, if u have any other advice please post, she seems alright now. I'll tell u if anything changes.

Take away the food until tonight. That way you can make SURE she eats. I never allow my dogs to eat throughout the day. They have two settings for meals. One in the morning, one in the evening when I get home from work.

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